Department: |
Municipal Services & Operations Department |
Commission Meeting Date: Oct 16, 2018 |
Staff Contact: |
Amanda Sahin, Transportation Engineer |
Recommendations/Options/Action Requested: |
Authorize City Manager to execute a contract with Alta Planning + Design for the design of the 21st Street and 13th Street Bicycle Boulevard Project (CIP# CI09 and PW17E8).
Executive Summary: |
At the May 15, 2018 City Commission meeting, the City Commission approved a spending plan for the Sidewalk/Bike/Ped Improvements/ADA Ramps (CI09). The recommended plan included $350,000 for bicycle boulevards on portions of Lawrence Avenue and 21st Street. Per the direction of the City Commission, the Lawrence Avenue project is not included at this time. In addition, on June 12, 2018, the City Commission approved the 2018 Traffic Calming projects (PW17E8). This included several speed humps and a bicycle boulevard on 13th Street from Massachusetts Street to Haskell Avenue. The speed humps projects have been completed at a cost of approximately $84,000. Therefore, the remaining budget of $116,000 is available for the 13th Street bicycle boulevard. This provides a total of $467,000 for the design and construction of bicycle boulevards on 21st Street from Iowa Street to Massachusetts Street and 13th Street from Massachusetts Street to Haskell Avenue.
Staff issued a Request for Qualification for the 2018 Bicycle Boulevards project on August 3, 2018 and received two proposals on September 6, 2018. A four-person selection committee reviewed the qualifications. Firms were evaluated on the following criteria: 1. Experience, Qualifications, and Expertise 2. Capabilities and Resources 3. Project Overview 4. References 5. Quality and Thoroughness of Proposal 6. Accessibility of Firm’s office
Based on a thorough evaluation using the above mentioned criteria, the selection committee determined that Alta Planning + Design, with CFS Engineers as a sub-consultant, was the best qualified for the project. Alta Planning + Design has completed a plethora of bicycle boulevards across the country to include Wichita, Palo Alto, Fort Collins, and the St. Louis area.
The design scope includes very detailed and thorough Community Engagement and Conceptual Design phases. Some of the items included in these phases are:
· Conceptual Design Meeting for each corridor: The meetings will be held at a location near the project location. It will include a pop-up demonstration of traffic calming near the meeting location. The demonstration will be used to exhibit a bicycle boulevard application along the corridors to gain feedback from the public on typical application that will inform conceptual designs. · Conceptual Design Plans: Identification of design alternatives, preparation of illustrative concept plans, development of wayfinding options, develop intersection drawings among other tasks. · Presentation of the Conceptual Design to Transportation Commission and City Commission: These meeting will serve as an opportunity for the advisory board and governing body, as well as residents, to ask questions or make recommendations on the elements included in the design.
In addition to the Community Engagement and Conceptual Design phase, the scope also includes a Final Design Phase and Bidding Assistance. The total fee for all services is $119,595.00. This is approximately twenty-five percent (25%) of the total project cost. This is a substantial amount of the project budget, however, given the community interest in the project and since these will be the first bicycle boulevards in Lawrence, the contract includes a significant community engagement scope as well as a heavy conceptual design scope. This project is critical to the success of this type of bikeway type in Lawrence.
Strategic Plan Critical Success Factor |
Safe, Healthy, and Welcoming Neighborhoods Innovative Infrastructure and Asset Management Commitment to Core Services |
Fiscal Impact (Amount/Source): |
The total fiscal impact is $119,595.00. The project is funded from General Obligation Bonds from CI09 and PW17E8. |
Attachments: |
Previous Agenda Reports: |
21st Street May 15, 2018 Consent Agenda #7e (1st reading) Ordinance No. 9474, designating 21st Street within the corporate limits of the city and Harvard Road within the corporate limits of the city as major or main trafficways. Staff Memo & Attachments
May 15, 2018 Consent Agenda #15 Approve the spending plan for the $450,000 of the 2018 Sidewalk/Bike/Ped Improvements/ADA Ramps as well as the remaining $150,000 of 2017 Sidewalk/Bike/Ped Improvements/ADA Ramps. Staff Memo & Attachments Correspondence - Added 05/15/18
5, 2018 Consent Agenda #8j (2nd reading)
June 12, 2018 Consent Agenda #9 Adopt Resolution No. 7254, declaring the City’s intent to issue General Obligation Bonds in the amount of $500,000 for the design and construction of Sidewalk/Bike/Ped Improvements/ADA Ramps (CI09). Staff Memo & Attachments
13th Street June 12, 2018 Consent Agenda #7 (1st reading) Adopt on first reading, Ordinance No. 9483, designating Missouri Street, Arkansas Street, Lincoln Street, East 13th Street, and West 24th Street, within the corporate limits of the City, as major or main trafficways. Staff Memo & Attachments
June 12, 2018 Consent Agenda #10 Approve the project list for the 2018 Traffic Calming, CIP Project No. PW17E8. Staff Memo & Attachments
June 19, 2018 Consent Agenda #7 (2nd reading, deferred) Adopt on second and final reading, Ordinance No. 9483, designating Missouri Street, Arkansas Street, Lincoln Street, East 13th Street and West 24th Street, within the corporate limits of the City, as major or main trafficways
July 10, 2018 Regular Agenda #2(2nd reading) Consider adopting on second and final reading, Ordinance No. 9483, designating Missouri Street, Arkansas Street, Lincoln Street, East 13th Street and West 24th Street, within the corporate limits of the City, as major or main trafficways and provide direction regarding request for one speed hump in the 700 block of Walnut Street and one speed hump in the 700 block of Elm Street. This item was deferred from the June 19, 2018 City Commission meeting. Staff Memo & Attachments Correspondence - Updated 07/10/18
July 17, 2018 Consent Agenda #7 Adopt Resolution No. 7256, declaring the City’s intent to issue General Obligation Bonds in the amount of $200,000 for the purpose of traffic calming, utilizing speed humps on Missouri Street, from 8th to 9th Streets; Arkansas Street, from 8th to 9th Streets; Lincoln Street, from 3rd to 7thStreets; West 24th Street, from Crossgate Drive to Kasold Drive; and traffic calming, utilizing a bicycle boulevard on 13th Street, from Massachusetts Street to Haskell Avenue. Staff Memo & Attachments
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