


Planning and Development Services

Commission Meeting Date: February 19, 2019

Staff Contact:

Sandra Day, Planner

Recommendations/Options/Action Requested:


Approve preliminary development plan, PDP-18-00506, approximately 16.116 acres multi-phase mixed residential and commercial development. Submitted by Paul Werner Architects on behalf of Abfield Investments LLC, City of Lawrence, Douglas County Kaw Drainage District, D&D Rentals of Lawrence LLC, Exchange Holdings LLC, HDD of Lawrence LLC, Kaw River Estates LLC, Patience LLC, Loosehead Investments LLC, and Riverfront Properties of Lawrence LLC, property owners of record.



Executive Summary:

Applications submitted for rezoning with a Planned Development Overlay (-PD) are required to be accompanied by a preliminary development plan application. In addition to the rezoning (Z-18-00505), the application packet includes a preliminary plat (PP-18-00504) and a comprehensive plan amendment (CPA-11-08-11). 


This project would contain multiple uses including Office, Commercial Sales and Services, Transient Accommodations (hotel), and Multi-Dwelling Residential uses. Uses also include public open space and structured parking. The project is proposed to be phased over a period of several years.


The development application includes a preliminary plat that consolidates parcels and vacates existing public right-of-way to create development parcels. The preliminary plat is deferred to allow additional review by City staff as it pertains to phasing and the transfer of ownership to the developer. Preliminary development plans may be considered preliminary plats. This preliminary development plan application is not intended to be reviewed for subdivision compliance. Extensive easement dedications are required with this project and can more efficiently processed as a separate preliminary plat document. The Planning Commission is tentatively scheduled to consider the preliminary plat at their meeting on February 27, 2019.


The proposed preliminary development plan provides a framework for assessing the project with respect to land use, adequacy of public infrastructure, phasing, and general building arrangement. Maximum building height and massing are the purview of the Historic Resources Commission for this project. Action by the Historic Resources regarding height, bulk, and massing will be incorporated into the project as part of the future final development plan applications. Applications submitted for a final development plan will be subject to the review and approval of the Historic Resources Commission since the property is located in the environs of the Depot site. This process will fulfill the requirements for compliance with the Commercial Design Guidelines, which give precedence to historic resources. 


The development is intended to occur in phases. Much of the phasing is restricted by access to the site. Only one full access is provided to the development, which is  located on the west side of the North 2nd Street and Locust Street intersection. A secondary access is located south of the intersection and provides an exit only, southbound option for the development.


The Planning Commission considered this preliminary development plan item at their December 19, 2018 meeting and voted 9-1 to forward the request to the City Commission with a recommendation for approval subject to the conditions listed in the staff report.

Strategic Plan Critical Success Factor

Effective Governance/Professional Administration

Safe, Healthy, and Welcoming Neighborhoods

Collaborative Solutions

Economic Growth and Security

Fiscal Impact (Amount/Source):



Planning Commission Staff Report

Preliminary Development Plan Drawing

Architectural Renderings

Shared Parking Analysis

Traffic Study

Drainage Study

Drainage Study Phasing Plan

Sanitary Sewer

Greenspace Exhibit

Applicant Summary Memo

Planning Commission Minutes

Page Map




Reviewed By:

(for CMO use only)