Week ending November 3, 2018


Announcement Regarding City Use of Carl Knox Natatorium – added 11/05/18

Attached is a brief memo with an announcement on the City’s use of Carl Knox Natatorium.


Executive Search Firm Update for Hiring a City Manager

City Manager Tom Markus announced on September 18, 2018, his intention to resign his position with the City in the Spring of 2019.  The City Commission held a special meeting on September 25th to discuss the process the City Commission will use to find a replacement for Mr. Markus.  The City Commission authorized the issuance of a request for proposals (RFP) for executive search firm services to assist the City in recruiting and hiring a new city manager.  Commissioners Larsen and Ananda agreed to work with City staff to review the search firm services proposals and make a recommendation to the full City Commission to consider at a future public meeting.  The RFP was issued on October 1st, with the deadline to submit proposals on October 15th.  Eight firms timely submitted proposals.  Commissioners Larsen and Ananda, Human Resources Manager Lori Carnahan, and City Attorney Toni Wheeler will interview (by video conference) three firms on November 2nd.  As soon as practicable thereafter, the team will forward a recommendation to the City Commission to consider at a future commission meeting to contract with one of the firms.     


Employee Relations Policies

One of the City Manager’s essential duties is to assume full management responsibility for staff, and to recommend and administer appropriate workplace policies and procedures.  To that end, the City Manager will implement new policies concerning the employment of relatives and fraternization.  The policies are summarized below:

A.    Employment of Relatives.  The City Employee Handbook contains a provision addressing relationships and the employment of relatives (see attached).  It leaves to the City Manager’s sole discretion to determine whether the employment of relatives of employees creates an actual or potential impropriety or conflict of interest.  The existing policy permitted relatives to work in the same department provided a relative did not directly report to or was supervised by another relative.  The new policy (see attached) provides greater clarity for employees and applies to employees hired, promoted or transferred within the City after January 1, 2019.  It bars the employment of relatives of certain key City positions including the City Manager and city manager assistants, the city attorney, department directors, the city clerk and employees of the human resources department.  For all other positions, no person will be hired, assigned or promoted to a position when as a result that person would be directly or indirectly supervising a relative, or routinely working for or with a relative. 

B.    Fraternization.  The existing City Employee Handbook prohibits any relationship (on or off the work premises) that creates a conflict of interest or interferes with the City’s work. No additional guidance is provided to employees (see attached). The new policy (see attached) is more specific and attempts to provide employees with more information about the type of conduct that is prohibited, and the purpose of the policy. 


Having such policies are considered an important component of employee relations best practice and often lead to improved morale, employee performance, and retention. Anti-nepotism policies also contribute to greater diversity in the workplace.  Updating these workplace policies has been a goal of the City Manager and supports the City’s Strategic Plan Critical Success Factor of Effective Governance and Professional Administration.


Police Department Body Worn Camera Program Update

The Lawrence Police Department’s body worn camera program continues to progress.  The Information Technology employee responsible for managing the body worn camera system has begun work.  In August interested body worn camera vendors who had interest were invited to the department to demonstrate their products.  Eight vendors expressed interest in participating in the demonstrations.  Those assisting with the assessment included officers, detectives, information technology employees, records staff, and command staff members.  Prosecutors from the Douglas County District Attorney’s Office and Lawrence Municipal Court were also on hand to view the equipment and software and ask questions of the vendors.  


A determination was made to advance three companies to the test and evaluation phase. Each company was asked to provide a quantity of cameras for a testing period of four weeks, along with all the necessary accessories and mounting options.  Personnel will test the cameras on each of the four patrol shifts as well as in other settings designed to evaluate the versatility, dependability, recording quality and software used to catalog and store the recordings. Product testing is anticipated to last four months, after which time a final purchase decision will be made.


An anticipated timeline for the body worn camera project is as follows:

      BWC IT Technician hired July 1, 2018

      Vendor product demonstration – August 2018

      Selection of vendor finalists to move to testing and evaluation - September 2018

      Testing and evaluation period- November 2018-February 2019

      Selection of product – March 2019

      Full implementation of BWC Program - 2019


Downtown Master Plan Steering Committee Diversity Analysis

At the October 9, 2018 City Commission meeting, Commissioner Larsen requested information related to the diversity of the recently appointed Downtown Master Plan Steering Committee (SC).  The SC was designed to be diverse in category as the positions relate to downtown perspectives.  Commissioner Larsen was also interested in the SC’s makeup from a demographically diverse perspective.  Please see the attached memo for more information regarding the SC’s diversity analysis.


September Monthly Building Permit Reports

The Building Safety Division issued 220 building permits in September, with total construction for the month valued at $11,863,759. Total permit fees assessed for the month were $77,987, and total review fees assessed were $6,577.  Permits were issued for 11 new residential projects, including ten (10) single-family dwellings and one (1) duplex.    Staff Report    Monthly Permit Report    Year-to-Date Summary


Effects of Off-Campus College Students on Poverty Rates

The Census Bureau has recently published findings regarding off-campus student population and their effects on a community’s poverty rate.  Lawrence’s off-campus student population is estimated to be 14.9% of the City’s population, with a 22.3% poverty rate.  Following the removal of the college students, the poverty rate decreases 8.8%, to 13.5%.  Attached is a memo providing more details on Lawrence’s and Douglas County’s findings and a table of selected comparable and regional college towns for context.


State of 2018 Joint Legislative Transportation Vision Task Force

Attached is an update regarding the 2018 Joint Legislative Transportation Vision Task Force.  Staff has met with County officials to coordinate testimony to the Task Force.  Testimony will be given November 8, 2018 in Olathe.   See attached for more detailed information.


City Owned Street Lights

At the August 21st City Commission meeting, a commissioner asked whether an ordinance would be required to ensure that the City installs 3000 kelvin LED fixtures on City-owned streetlight poles.  According to staff, the City owns and maintains approximately 1500 streetlights throughout the City, located in various places including signalized intersections, in downtown, and in roundabouts.  The City Attorney’s office staff is of the opinion that an ordinance is not necessary.  The City Manager who is responsible for administering the affairs of the City, can direct that such light fixtures be installed.  According to Charles Soules, 3000 kelvin LED light fixtures are being installed in new lights, and when an existing bulb is replaced. 


Lifeline Program Expansion Proposal

Attached is an update regarding the Lifeline Program Expansion Proposal, as requested by Mayor Boley.


Future Agenda Items

Attached, please find a summary of future agenda items.


Future Work Session Items

Attached, please find a summary of future work session items.