
City of Lawrence

Finance Department


TO:     Thomas M. Markus, City Manager

FROM: Kristy Webb, Utility Billing Manager

CC:      Danielle Buschkoetter, Interim Finance Director

           Casey Toomay, Assistant City Manager

DATE:  November 6, 2018

RE:      Lifeline Program Expansion Proposal



At their February 20, 2018 meeting, the City Commission directed the Finance Department to submit a proposal expanding the Lifeline Program to provide a meaningful financial impact to other low-income customers under the age of 60.


Program Expansion

Staff was unable to develop a proposal for expanding the Lifeline Program within the timeframe of setting the 2019 budget. Staff recommends maintaining the Lifeline Program as it is currently structured in 2019. A recommendation to expand the Program will be brought forward as part of the 2020 budget. Program expansion will have an impact on revenues that will need to be funded by either rate increases or be subsidized from the General Fund. Staff’s recommendation for 2020 will include options on how to fund an expanded program.


Staff Recommendation

Staff recommends the Commission maintain the current Lifeline Program for 2019 and reevaluate the program as part of the 2020 budget process.