
City of Lawrence

Planning & Development Services



Thomas M. Markus, City Manager


Scott McCullough, Director Planning & Development Services


October 15, 2018


Downtown Master Plan Steering Committee Diversity Analysis


At the October 9, 2018 City Commission meeting, Commissioner Larsen requested information related to the diversity of the recently appointed Downtown Master Plan Steering Committee (SC).  The SC was designed to be diverse in category as the positions relate to downtown perspectives.  Commissioner Larsen was also interested in the SC’s makeup from a demographically diverse perspective.  The SC is comprised of the following positions per Resolution No. 7268:



The Mayor has six (6) appointments, with the Commission’s consent.  The other twelve (12) positions were appointed by the respective boards each positon represents.  The appointments are complete, and the full roster is listed below and can also be found here:


Full roster:



The Mayor appointed the following committee members:



The city application for advisory boards was recently revised to include optional questions related to diversity.  This application was used by those applying to serve on the SC.  Of the six appointments made by the Mayor, two applicants did not answer the optional questions and four did.  Of the four that did, the following was ascertained:



Some members of the steering committee were appointed from city-related commissions (Historic Resources Commission and Planning Commission, for example).  Others were appointed from outside organizations. The city conducted a survey on advisory board diversity and collected voluntary information related to diversity on all of its boards and commissions in the spring of 2018. The aggregate results of that survey can be found here:  The information in that effort was obtained prior to the creation of the SC and so it did not include specific information on SC appointees or applicants.  For the SC members that may have been part of the spring 2018 effort, the surveys were anonymous and so we cannot cull out individual SC information from the city-related commissions to develop a broader sense of diversity.


Staff cannot assume any information about the identity or other demographic information with regard to the outside appointments and leaves this assessment for individuals to complete based on their own personal knowledge of those on the roster, but staff does believe the steering committee is diverse in its primary intent to include many voices as the downtown master plan gets underway.