


Municipal Services & Operations

Commission Meeting Date:  April 9, 2019

Staff Contact:

Sarah Graves, Project Engineer I

Recommendations/Options/Action Requested:


Award proposal for RFP No. R1823 to Burns & McDonnell, and authorize the City Manager to execute the consulting agreement in the amount of $59,140 for the Solid Waste Rate Study.


Executive Summary:

City staff identified the need for a detailed examination of the current solid waste rate system, evaluation of its effectiveness and adequacy for funding costs of solid waste service, and review and update of the Solid Waste Division’s financial plan, fees and charges, and bond issuance duration. The goal of this study is to conduct a detailed analysis to allocate the costs of service using justifiable and equitable methodologies for user fees with adequate revenues to fund the expenses associated with the Solid Waste Division operations and the replacement of capital equipment and facilities.


A request for proposals was advertised on Monday, December 3, 2018. Five (5) proposal responses were received. A team of six (6) City staff reviewed the proposals and shortlisted 3 of the 5 firms. The same City staff members interviewed the 3 shortlisted firms and chose Burns and McDonnell as the most qualified to perform this study. Burns & McDonnell proposed a scope of work and contract on February 18, 2019 in the amount of $59,140.


The project, as proposed by Burns & McDonnell, includes review of solid waste division billing data, completion of a cost of service analysis, cost allocation, development of service rates, and presentation of study results.


The contract falls within the threshold for City Manager approval, but the action will result in development of a comprehensive solid waste rate model that will guide future rate decisions. This changes how the city calculates solid waste rates and determines the allocation or distribution of those rates. This change represents a policy decision that falls within the purview of the Commission.    

Strategic Plan Critical Success Factor


Innovative Infrastructure and Asset Management

Core Services

Sound Fiscal Stewardship


Fiscal Impact (Amount/Source):

The fiscal impact to the City is $59,140. This item is included in the 2019 Solid Waste Operations budget, account # 502-3-3515-2147.


Engineering Services Agreement & Scope of Services


Previous Agenda Reports:

January 16, 2018, Regular Agenda Item #5

Receive staff report on Commercial Single-Stream Recycling Pilot Program and consider approving the proposed business plan.  

Staff Memo & Attachments


September 4, 2018, Regular Agenda Item #4

Receive report from MSW Consultants on the downtown solid waste shared dumpster service and consider approving the proposed downtown solid waste shared dumpster rate model.    

Staff Memo & Attachments




Reviewed By:

(for CMO use only)