


Planning and Development Services

Commission Meeting Date: November 6, 2018

Staff Contact:

Sandra Day, Planner

Recommendations/Options/Action Requested:


Adopt on first reading, Ordinance No. 9569, for a Text Amendment (TA-18-00121) to the City of Lawrence Land Development Code, Article 17, to permit Group Homes in the GPI district. This is a correction for a Text Amendment approved by City Commission on 5/15/18.


Executive Summary:

The City Commission approved a text amendment and Ordinance No. 9467 in May 2018. The text amendment included changes to Article 4, Use Table, and updated definitions for the Group Home use, allowing them in the GPI District as a permitted uses.


This text amendment proposed changes to the Land Development Code, Chapter 20, Article 4, and Section 20-403 (Nonresidential Use Table). The proposed change includes clearly articulating that the use is permitted in the GPI District to show the use permitted outright and with approval of a Special Use Permit, depending on the intensity (size) of the use.


The Planning Commission considered the item at their April 23, 2018 meeting and voted unanimously to forward the text amendment to the City Commission with a recommendation for approval.


The City Commission approved the text amendment on May 15, 2018. Staff erred in preparation of the ordinance and did not include the changes to the definition. This ordinance is intended to complete the actions by the Planning Commission and City Commission as they related to all of the recommended and approved changes to the Land Development Code.

Strategic Plan Critical Success Factor:


Fiscal Impact (Amount/Source):



Ordinance No. 9569

Published Ordinance No. 9467

Revised Code Sections

KSA-12-736 Group Homes Exclusion Prohibited, Conditions, Definitions

Planning Commission Staff Report

Planning Commission Minutes




Reviewed By:

(for CMO use only)