Week ending July 10, 2009



June sales tax distributions

The City of Lawrence has recently received its June sales tax distribution. The distribution is the result of retail sales from mid-April to mid-May.  As a result, most of the reported sales tax was at the higher rate approved by the voters. The distribution of $2,381,323 and represents a significant increase from the prior year distribution for the same month because of the higher rate. It also includes $1,977 from the Free State Transportation Development District. Because of variations in monthly distributions, primarily due to late filings by vendors, it is advisable to not read too much into disparities between months. The June city sales tax distribution was 91% or nearly $150,000 less than the June 2008 distribution adjusted for the new rate. If the city receives at least 98% of the adjusted prior year distribution, we will meet the budgeted amount for 2009 city sales and use taxes.


A summary of the recent sales tax receipts is shown in the table below.


Sales/Use Tax



Year to Date

% of Budget

City 1%





Infrastructure .3%





Transit .2%





Transit Eq. .05%







A spreadsheet showing total monthly sales tax distributions since 2001 is attached.


Sales tax distributions subsequent to April 1, 2009 were 98% of the amount received in city sales taxes in June.  The amounts from the new sales taxes were calculated by applying the relevant percentages to the sales that occurred after April 1.


Neighborhood Association boundary decisions – UPDATED 7/10/09

Vice Mayor Amyx requested a report on the city’s role in determining a neighborhood association’s boundaries. There has not been a typical practice or policy regarding the city’s participation in helping to determine neighborhood association boundaries in the past.  The city and neighborhoods alike have often worked cooperatively in the past to establish boundaries that would be conducive to receiving federal CDBG and other funds. Although the city staff has provided technical assistance to neighborhoods to determine needs and goals and establish neighborhood boundaries, it has never been a practice or policy of any City department or division to dictate such boundaries to a neighborhood. The City does not have any legal authority or obligation to determine the boundaries of neighborhood associations and the City Commission has not directed staff to seek an authority or process for determining neighborhood association boundaries. Please see the attached memo for more information.



FEMA approves Kansas River Levee accreditation

The City has received the attached letter indicating that FEMA has approved the accreditation of the Kansas River Levee. Stormwater Engineer Matt Bond completed the accreditation requirements in-house, saving the city approximately $200,000-$300,000 based on the what other communities are spending on their levee accreditations. The Corps of Engineers has indicated that the city’s levee is the first in this Corps district to be accredited.


June building permits report

There were 192 permits issued in June 2009, which are the most permits issued in a single month since October 2008. This compared to 220 permits issued in June 2008.  Permit valuation was $6,506,035 compared to $9,054,290 last year. Fees were $53,086.15 compared to $69,971.64 last year. Six permits were issued for new single-family dwellings along with one permit for a duplex, compared to 13 single-family and one duplex in June last year. Please see the attached memo, report, and summary report for more information.  


First Quarter 2009 Economic Barometer released

The Economic Barometer Report for the First Quarter of 2009 was released on July 1. The report shows that the value of building permits was up in the First Quarter, but also that the recession is adversely affecting the local economy. The report also takes a look at the local labor force and finds that there is opportunity for a substantial number of new high-skilled jobs in Lawrence and Douglas County. A copy of the report is available at


Lawrence city band celebrates America at weekly concert

The Lawrence City Band performed a medley of patriotic standards in honor of the Independence Day holiday in historic South Park on the Wednesday, July 1. More than 1,000 people took in the performance. Please see attached photos.


Maps of land values in Lawrence – ADDED 7/10/09

Economic Development Coordinator/Planner Roger Zalneraitis and GIS Coordinator Micah Seybold have produced the attached 2D and 3D maps of land values in Lawrence (building/improvement values are not included but may be added in the future). The maps illustrate a number of points: