
City of Lawrence

Planning & Development Services



David L. Corliss, City Manager



Barry Walthall, Building Codes Administrator



Scott McCullough, Planning & Development Services Director



July 7, 2009



June 2009 Monthly Permit Report


There were 192 permits issued in June 2009, which are the most permits issued in a single month since October 2008.  This compared to 220 permits issued in June 2008.  Permit valuation was $6,506,035 compared to $9,054,290 last year.  Fees were $53,086.15 compared to $69,971.64 last year.  These statistics will be tracked throughout the year in the following table:



Total Permit Valuation

Total Fees

2009 Totals



2008 Totals




Six permits were issued for new single-family dwellings along with one permit for a duplex, compared to 13 single-family and one duplex in June last year.  No other residential permits were issued in June of either year.  The number of permits and total number of residential units will be tracked throughout the year in the following table, similar to permit valuation and fees:





Total # of permits



One- & two-family permits (# of units)

38 (43)

49 (51)

Multi-family permits (# of units)

15 (172)

2 (7)

Total # of residential permits (# of units)

53 (215)

51 (58)


The highest valued projects for which permits were issued in June were for a Sub-Acute Care Unit addition at 4851 Harvard Rd, valued at $1,376,376, football bleacher seating at Free State High School valued at $925,000, east bleachers at Lawrence High School valued at $659,900, and west bleachers at LHS for $575,000.  The football seating projects were among seven permits issued for publicly funded projects, which also included a fluoroscopy unit remodel at Lawrence Memorial Hospital, two permits to add washer and dryer hookups for Lawrence Housing Authority buildings at 1600 Haskell, and a permit for repair of electrical systems at Edgewood Park.