Community Police Review Board

October 10, 2019

7:00 p.m.

City Commission Room, City Hall, 6 E. 6th Street





1.            Elect a Chairperson [refer to Bylaws]


2.            Elect a Vice Chairperson [refer to Bylaws]


3.            Public Input

The public is allowed to speak at public comment after first being recognized by the Chair, except that any complaints or comments regarding individually identifiable officers are not allowed. Rather, any such comments or complaints may be provided to the Board in writing, and the Board will forward such comment or complaint to the appropriate person within the Lawrence Police Department. The Board may establish reasonable limitations on the allowable
length of public comment. As a general practice, the Board will not discuss or debate these items, nor will it make decisions on items presented during this time.



4.            Approve minutes from July 11, 2019 meeting


5.            Discussion with Chief Gregory Burns, Jr.


6.            Discussion of Former Chair's Remarks and Recommendations from July 2019 meeting


7.            Approve 2020 meeting schedule


8.            Quick Updates – Police Department Demographic Report – Added 10/07/19


9.            Cancel October 16, 2019 meeting


10.          Adjourn



Please note these meetings are audio recorded.  The audio recordings are posted on the City’s website