
Lawrence-Douglas County

Fire Medical Department




Tom Markus, City Manager


Shaun Coffey, Interim Fire Chief


Oct. 31, 2018


Cooperative Agreement Concerning the Provision of Emergency Medical Services in Douglas County



On December 16, 1996, Douglas County KS approved an agreement that consolidated county-wide emergency medical services with the City of Lawrence Fire Department.  The Agreement indicated how emergency medical services (EMS) would be provided and funded within unincorporated Douglas County and the Cities of Lawrence, Baldwin, Eudora, and Lecompton.  The agreement was amended October 27, 1998, and again on October 24, 2000. There have been no formal revisions since October 2000. 


The original agreement stated, “It shall be the obligation of the County to finance all costs associated with the provision of ambulance service to the entire County, including within the City of Lawrence”.  At 75% of total emergency calls, the provision of emergency medical services continues to be a largest component of our service delivery. 


The original agreement indicated that the City would pay 74% of the total Department budget and the County would pay 26% of the total Department budget.  It appears these original percentages where not based upon cost of service, but more on the amount of identified budget at the time for each agency.  While it is my belief the Douglas County should not be required to provide for 75% of costs associated with providing ambulance service within the Department budget, there is a larger obligation than the 25.64% they are currently providing. 



In a memo dated September 6, 1996 from G. Craig Weinaug, County Administrator, to Louie McElhaney, Mike Wildgen and John Nalbandian, it stated “The purpose of the proposed agreement will be to provide enhanced fire protection services to the residents of Lawrence and enhanced ambulance services to the residents of Douglas County by merging the resources of the two departments and cross-training personnel in both departments.  Through this merger, the City and County will be able to provide more efficient and responsive fire, and ambulance services at a lower cost than could be provided separately”.


The agreement immediately provided for the provision of four ambulances to be staffed within City of Lawrence Fire Stations, with a fifth ambulance to be placed in service in Baldwin City on January of 1998.  This was an increase by two ambulances within the County.  The merger of the two agencies had an immediate impact on the benefit of all residents within Douglas County.


The original agreement provided direction on the transfer of personnel, negotiation of employee agreements, City and County financial obligations upon and after the merger, future financial obligations of the City and the County for the Department, fees for service and collection responsibilities, and the EMS station in Baldwin City.


The agreement was amended in October of 1998 with the funding formula changed from the City shall pay 74% to 75% of the total department budget, and from the County shall pay 26% to 25% of the overall department budget. This change was a 1% shift in the financial obligation from the County to the City. Additionally, the exchange of monies changed the payment to 1/12 of the annual budgeted revenue for ambulances services from tax sources shall be transferred to the City monthly from the previous quarterly payment. 


In October of 2000, the agreement was again amended.  The formula for funding was removed from the agreement and was changed to be established by joint resolution, the percentage of the total department budget to be paid by the City and County.  The resolution passed the same month set the funding percentage to 74.36% by City and 25.64% by the County.  Also changed, was now the director (fire chief) would serve as the liaison official to Douglas County. Previously it was the deputy director. 


The agreement has not been formally updated since the year 2000.  The agreement also does not address the costs associated with the provision of services such as Human Resources, Legal, Risk Management, Facility Maintenance, Professional Development or Information Technology Support.


Several other agreements between the City and Douglas County have a direct connection to this agreement: Medical Director Agreement, Douglas County Ambulance Service Charge Agreement, Douglas County Eudora Ambulance Agreement, Douglas County First Responder Cooperation Agreements, and Douglas County EMS Claims Agreement.



To pursue equitable financial obligations for the provision of EMS Services.  The provision of EMS service within Douglas County has incurred a significant increase of calls for service within the past 20 years (3,937 more EMS calls in 2017 than 1997).


To incorporate clear language for capital obligations into the agreement.


To review of the Coroner Scene Investigator (CSI) program. The model as designed in 1997 was innovative and effective at that time but is no longer practical for current service delivery. 


To minimize the exchange of monies to reduce human errors.


To clearly identify the governance and administration for whom the Fire Chief reports.

cc: Attachments

Original 1996 Cooperative Agreement

Amended 1998 Cooperative Agreement

Amended 2000 Cooperative Agreement

Joint City/County Resolution Establishing Participation Rate

PowerPoint Presentation