


Planning and Development Services

Commission Meeting Date: Nov. 6, 2018

Staff Contact:

Mary Miller, Planner

Recommendations/Options/Action Requested:


Approve and execute an amended and restated sanitary sewer easement for a sanitary sewer line located under the structure at 1519 W. 23rd Street, associated with Site Plan, SP-18-00356, for Woofs. 


Executive Summary:


Site plan SP-18-00356, for the conversion of the vacant building at 1519 W. 23rd Street into a dog day care use, was administratively approved on September 21, 2018, subject to the condition that the applicant shall record a utility easement by separate instrument for the sanitary sewer line crossing the property east to west.


The previously recorded easement contained an error that did not correctly describe the width of the easement in the correct locations.  The easement should be 15 feet wide where it is not located under the existing building, not five feet wide as was previously approved.  This error is being corrected with this amended and restated sanitary sewer easement.


Both easements note that in the event the sanitary sewer line requires replacement, the property owner will provide an easement at their expense and the City will relocate the sewer main.  If development is proposed on the property which requires the submittal and approval of a new site plan, the property owner will relocate the sanitary sewer line and provide the easement at their expense. No change has been made to these provisions from the earlier easement; however, the easement has been revised to include a signature blank for the Mayor.  Copies of the easements, marked to show where language has been revised is included with this memo.


Strategic Plan Critical Success Factor

Safe, Healthy, and Welcoming Neighborhoods

Innovative infrastructure and Asset Management

Fiscal Impact (Amount/Source):



Site Plan

Recorded Sanitary Sewer Easement

Amended and Restated Easement

Amended and Restated Easement and Existing Easement with changes marked




Reviewed By:

(for CMO use only)