


Municipal Services & Operations

Commission Meeting Date:  October 2, 2018

Staff Contact:

Charles F. Soules, P.E., Deputy Director of MSO

Recommendations/Options/Action Requested:

Authorize the City Manager to utilize an alternative delivery method for the Bowersock Dam Scour Hole Maintenance CIP Project No. UT1885, finding it is in the public interest pursuant to Charter Ordinance No. 45 and authorize staff to advertise a Request for Proposal R1815.

Executive Summary:

     The City of Lawrence and Bowersock Mills & Power Company have enjoyed a mutually beneficial relationship with respect to the Kansas River Dam dating back to 1872.  Throughout the years, the City has completed several maintenance projects including:





Bowersock Dam Repair Project

 (downstream apron)



Bowersock Dam Project PW0931

   (upstream Dam stabilization)



Apron Repair

(filled voids in downstream apron)

Approximately $30,000


     The City budgeted in the 2018 CIP $1,000,000.00 for repairs to scour holes, (identified in the dive report as caverns) in the downstream face of the dam.  Scouring occurs when water flows become turbulent, typically at the base of structures.  Scouring is a washing away of structure creating a void/hole.  The scour holes have been identified as a potential supply hazard and could be the cause of a potential dam failure.


     Staff recommends using an alternative delivery method based on several factors outlined in the Alternative Project Delivery Procedures Administrative Policy.  These include: clarity of project, technical complexities (working in the Kansas River, dewashing), scheduling requirements, and desire to encourage innovation and contractor input for value added concepts.


     The information available is based on the dive report attached.  The proposed scope of work would be to repair (patch) the downstream face of the dam to prevent further erosion into the structure.  Access to the dam on the downstream side is as much a challenge as making the actual repairs. 


     Staff recommends receiving sealed proposals from qualified individuals, firms, contractors, or entities that meet the requirements set forth in the RFP that can provide the services and equipment requested with the best technical solution and pricing value to the City.  Proposals will be evaluated on the following criteria as outlined in the Evaluation and Selection Process in the Alternative Project Delivery Procedures Policy.  Staff would recommend requesting sealed proposals from qualified contractors:

·         Detailing their experience,

·         Plan on how they would access the downstream face,

·         Capabilities of firm,

·         Methodology on making repairs,

·         Length of time needed to complete the project, and

·         Cost.


This type of maintenance project does not lend itself very well to the traditional design, bid, build process.  A contractor with experience will be best able to determine how they will access the dam, make repairs and control river flows.  The City could spend as much in time and budget trying to define an engineered plan versus having a contractor propose a solution and therefore staff is recommending to solicit proposals from contractors for this project.


Based on the proposal and system pricing evaluations, two to three vendors will be shortlisted for onsite presentations.  Presentation scoring along with proposal and pricing scoring will determine the selected vendor to proceed with clarification of a final scope, fee, and contract terms.  The final contract will be presented for Commission award.


Strategic Plan Critical Success Factor

Innovative Infrastructure and Asset Management

Core Services

Fiscal Impact (Amount/Source):

The fiscal impact to the City is estimated at $1,000,000.00.  This project was budgeted in the 2018 CIP, Project No. UT1885.


Request for Proposal (Dive Report included)

Dam Maintenance Agreement




Reviewed By:

(for CMO use only)