March sales tax distributions
The City of Lawrence has recently received its March sales tax distribution. The distribution is the result of retail sales from mid-January to mid-February. The distribution of $1,958,735 represents a decrease of $61,596 from the prior year distribution for the same month. Because of variations in monthly distributions, primarily due to late filings by vendors, it is advisable to not read too much into disparities between months. However, 2009 sales tax distributions are approximately 2.0% less than the first quarter of 2008. A spreadsheet showing total monthly sales tax distributions since 2001 is attached. Distributions from the voter-approved transit and infrastructure sales taxes are not anticipated to occur until June.
First quarter financial report
The attached report summarizes the financial activities of the City of Lawrence for the first quarter of 2009 and advises the City Commission as to current budgetary issues that may become a concern. The report provides budgetary highlights from the major funds of the City, including the General Operating and Recreation Funds, which are partially funded by property taxes, the Public Transportation Fund, and the Water & Wastewater, Solid Waste, Storm Water and Public Golf Course Funds, which are enterprise funds supported by user fees. The report also compares year to date financial activities to the budget and results for the same period in the two previous years. Finally, the report includes a summary of the City’s investment activities for the year and outstanding debt.
Draft agreement with Rural Water District 4
The city recently sent the attached letter and draft agreement to Rural Water District 4. If acceptable to RWD 4, the agreement will be presented to the City Commission for approval at a future meeting. The agreement provides RWD 4 the option to purchase water from the city beyond the district’s current allotment from the Kansas Water Office, and provides for the removal of meter limitations.
Street maintenance educational pamphlet produced
Attached is a pamphlet developed by Public Works to provide information to the general public about street maintenance programs, including crack sealing, curb replacement, microsurfacing, mill and overlay, pothole patching, and the Pavement Management Program.
Fire Medical Department receives training grant
The Fire Medical Department has received a grant through the Douglas County Interagency Hazardous Materials Training Project. The Hazardous Materials Emergency Preparedness (HMEP) funds will be used to train department members to the Technician Level, which was a site recommendation of the department’s accreditation review. The $20,000 is about three-quarters of the cost of the training and departmental training funds will meet the total actual costs. The department currently has 12 members in the training program.
Utilities Department participates in emergency drill
On April 8, all Utilities Department managers and supervisors took part in a tabletop drill for emergencies. Teri Smith and Jillian Blair of Douglas County Emergency Management coordinated the drill with the help of Jeanette Klamm, Utilities Programs Manager. Eudora Police Chief Greg Dahlem and Susan Rodgers of Hallmark Cards observed and evaluated the drill. The Department conducted this drill as training, as well as to determine strengths and areas needing improvement in emergency plans. The drill included possible real scenarios such as large rain events, floods, tornados, equipment damage, power outage, and missing employees, which might affect water and wastewater treatment and delivery. As a next step, the Department will review the drill and take steps to improve. The Department expects these drills to raise staff readiness for emergencies, recover from real disasters faster, and reduce the impact of an emergency on customers and citizens.
City to receive Neighborhood Stabilization Program funds
Through the State of Kansas and Douglas County, the City of Lawrence will be receiving $555,000 in Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP) funds that should be available in May or June of this year. The City recently submitted the Action Plan to the State regarding the program (also see submitted cover letter). In a partnership between the city, Tenants to Homeowners, Inc., and Douglas County, funds will be used to redevelop vacant land in the 1100 block of Rhode Island into the “Rhode Island Roost”, which is a five unit development designed for low and moderate income renters. Two of the units will be fully accessible. It is anticipated $400,000 will be used for this project and the balance of funds will be used to purchase and rehabilitate one or two foreclosed homes for resale to low or moderate income first time homeowners. It is anticipated that a second round of NSP funding may be forthcoming and the city plans to apply for funding in that round also.
Volunteers are a valuable resource to Parks and Recreation
The Parks and Recreation Department recently completed a downtown planting project with the help of 32 volunteers. Over 1,500 pansies were planted on March 28 and April 4 (see attached photos). The department also has a number of other planting and clean up projects planned for which volunteers are being solicited, including:
Information about these volunteer projects, as well as a sign up form, is available online at