Draft 2019 Racial or Other Bias-based Policing Annual Report


General Information

Law Enforcement Agency Reporting:  Lawrence Police Department

Reporting Period:  July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019



Number of racial or other bias-based policing complaints received in for this reporting period:  1

Local Identifier do not use names

Date Complaint Received

Action Taken

Date Complaint Closed




Investigation by Office of Professional Accountability





1. Have all of law enforcement officers serving in the agency who were not exempted from annual training by the Commission on Police Standards and Training completed training required in K.S.A. 22-4610 subsection (c)(2)(A)?:  YES

2. Does the agency have a policy prohibiting racial or other biased-based policing?:



3. Does the agency mandate specific discipline for sustained complaints of racial or other bias-based policing?:  YES

4. Does the agency have a racial or other bias-based policing community advisory board?: YES

5. Does the agency have a racial or other biased-based policing comprehensive plan?: NO

6. Does the agency collect extra pedestrian or traffic stop data, pursuant to the racial and other biased-based policing statute (beyond standard citation data)?:  NO