

Parks and Recreation Master Plan

Origin of Plan

In 2000, a Parks & Recreation Master Plan was developed to help guide and shape the department to be efficient in resource utilization and effective in its service delivery.  Since that time, the plan assisted the department in reaching new heights and achievements, developing the park system, utilizing recreation and aquatics facilities, developing a trail system, and increasing recreational programs for community participants. As the plan aged the city saw the need to develop a new Master Plan.  In 2016, a new Master Plan was developed through a community process overseen by 16-person steering committee composed of a cross section of citizens. The guiding principles used to frame the plan included: promoting healthy lifestyles for all ages and abilities; protecting the environment and natural resources; ensuring affordability and sustainability of services; and building a diverse and equitable funding mix to support the needs of our growing community.  The current Parks and Recreation Master Plan was approved by the City Commission in February 2017.


Expected outcomes from the plan

The Master Plan guides the department in continuing its mission of providing excellent City services to further enhance the quality of life of the Lawrence community. The Master Plan provides guidance for future development, maintenance, funding, delivery of city services, identifies opportunities, and provides a 10-year vision for the City, including a strategic action plan for implementation. As a planning tool, the Master Plan provides recommendations for a systematic and prioritized approach for implementation of parks, recreational projects and organizational needs.  Master Plan expectations consisted of increased service levels through additional programming, changes to the organization, development of new funding sources, addressing infrastructure needs, facilities, green space and amenities. The master plan is reviewed throughout the year, as well as annually with our Parks and Recreation Advisory Board. Through public input and City Commission input, the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board reviews the plan to ensure goals are being met while remaining adaptive to changing conditions that may not have been known or anticipated during the planning process.


No specific funds are dedicated to plan implementation. Funding comes from the city’s annual operating budget and capital improvement program (CIP). Many goals identified in the plan have been implemented through the department’s budget allocation which is funded by a mix of revenue sources, including user fees, tax funds and sponsorship revenue.


Status Update

Since 2017, many of the short-term and some of the mid-term recommendations have been implemented.  Many of the recommendations that have been addressed include parking lots (repairs, additions), HVAC systems at the recreation centers, gym floor replacements, equipment replacements and organizational changes. Master Plan Goal Update



Continued progress toward recommendations contained in the plan will occur through the annual budget and CIP process, with administrative implementation of plan items where appropriate. At the five-year mark of the plan (2022), the department will work with the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board to assess the continued relevance of the plan and identify if remaining goals are both attainable and desirable for the community. Public engagement may be necessary to further solidify goals.