Goal 1: Improve Programs and Service Delivery.  
Objective 1.1:                 
Increase programming using plublic input and recreational trends  
Actions Capital Cost Estimate Operational Budget Impact Timeframe to Complete Year to be Completed
Pursue more active opportunities for Baby Boomers who may not attend traditional senior center activities. N/A TBD Short Term Ongoing
Initiate programming sessions to enhance youth non-sports activities where possible N/A TBD Short Term Ongoing
Work with Boys & Girls Club to allow teens and tweens to assist in creating programs and activities they will attend N/A TBD Short Term Ongoing
When tournament quality facilities are available, create outdoor economic impact sports events N/A TBD Short Term  
Offer more fitness & wellness classes N/A TBD Short Term Ongoing
Offer more hobby interest programs N/A TBD Short Term Ongoing
Offer more outdoor recreation and nature programs N/A TBD Short Term Ongoing
Initiate programming sessions weekday evenings and weekends N/A TBD Short Term Ongoing
Offer more adult sports programs N/A TBD Short Term Ongoing
Research and implement programs in partnership with local outreach; adopt inclusion policy; ADA language N/A TBD Short Term  
Develop Bike & Pedestrian safety programs with local partners N/A TBD Short Term Ongoing
Create additional community events N/A TBD Short Term Ongoing
Goal 2: Provide New or Improved Facilities and Amenities.  
Objective 2.1:         
Maintain and/or upgrade existing facilities and build new amenities and facilities      
Actions Capital Cost Estimate Operational Budget Impact Timeframe to Complete Year to be Completed
2.1.a Holcom Park Center   TBD    
Replace HVAC units in gym.  $250,000   Short Term Completed 2017
Resurface North Parking Lot.  $104,000   Short Term Completed 2018
Interior remodel, floor, gym floor, restrooms.  $75,000   Short Term Completed 2017 - Gym Floor
Replace Ball Diamond Light on Complex. $500,000   Short Term Completed 2017
Major enhancements to Holcom Recreation Center workout/weight rooms and additional program space. (2,500 – 3,000 sf addition). $800,000   Long Term  
2.1.b East Lawrence Center    TBD    
Add Parking Lot.  $83,000 Short Term Completed 2018
Interior remodel, floor, gym floor, restrooms.  $75,000 Short Term Completed 2017 - Gym Floor, Lobby Floor and Meeting Room 
Major enhancements to the East Lawrence Center workout/weight rooms and additional program space. (2,000 – 2,500 sf addition). $600,000 Long Term  
2.1.c Community Building   TBD    
HVAC Replacements. $200,000 Short Term Completed 2017
Interior meeting room renovations. $100,000 Short Term Completed 2018
Major enhancements to the Community Building workout/weight rooms and additional program space. (3,000 – 3,500 sf renovation). $600,000 Long Term  
2.1.d Lawrence Loop Trail    TBD    
Install new section on 29 the street to Haskell. $300,000 Short Term  
Develop trail from hospital to Peterson Road. $300,000 Short Term  
Finish the Lawrence trail “loop.” and include new restroom facilities and drinking fountains. $300,000 (southeast) Long Term Restroom added at Burroughs Creek 2018, Arboretum Restroom 2019, Downtown section design 2019 (11th street to -8th street) 
2.1.e Land Acquisition    N/A    
Dedicate significant dollars to future land acquisition of no less than 3 areas. These areas to include the west, south, and southeast edges of Lawrence. $300,000 Short Term  
  $300,000 Short Term  
  $300,000 (southeast) Long Term  
2.1.f Eagle Bend Golf Course   TBD    
Upgrades to Eagle Bend Golf Course including the expansion of the clubhouse and additional parking.  $500,000 Short Term Completed 2017         
Upgrades to Eagle Bend Golf Course including additional maintenance facilities, add 9 or 18 holes to the course, and an additional pump station.   Long Term  
2.1.g Historic Structures   N/A    
Carnegie Building – Clean and tuck point oldest part of building. $150,000 Short Term  
Union Pacific Depot interior and exterior renovation.  $75,000 Short Term 2019 CIP 
Preservation of Historic Structures. $700,000 Long Term  
2.1.h Downtown   TBD    
Replace brick pavers in sidewalk $375,000 Short Term Completed 2017 and 2018, added phases scheduled for 2019
  ($75,000 for 5 years)    
Downtown planter/streetscape improvements $500,000 Long Term  
Locate and Provide a new downtown event space to include large paved area, water, power, designated restrooms, and adequate lighting. One potential area for the new Downtown Event Space is Vermont St. between 7th & 8th St. $750,000 Long Term 2018/ 2019 Downtown Master Planning
2.1.i Spray Parks $450,000 TBD Short Term  
Provide 2 new spray parks at John Taylor Park and Burroughs Creek Park. ($225,000 per park)  
2.1.j Spray Parks $450,000 TBD Mid Term  
Provide 2 new Spray Parks at South Park and Dad Perry Park. ($225,000per park)  
2.1.k Spray Parks $450,000 TBD Long Term  
Provide 2 new Spray Parks at Holcom Park and Broken Arrow Park. ($225,000per park)  
2.1.l Outdoor Aquatic Center   N/A    
Paint Pool.  $75,000 Short Term Completed 2017
Replace Old Slide. $95,000 Short Term  
Remove and replace bad section of concrete. $75,000 Short Term Ongoing
Renovate the Outdoor Aquatics Facility. $2,000,000 Mid Term  
2.1.m   TBD Mid Term  
Commit to an updated (or additional) park space in North Lawrence. Updates to include a renovated shelter at Lyon Street Park. $120,000  
2.1.n Amphitheater $1,300,000 TBD Long Term  
Provide a new community outdoor amphitheater.  
2.1.o TBD TBD Long Term  
Work on providing a new connection to the Kansas and Wakarusa Rivers with future riverfront development. Lawrence Parks & Rec has the opportunity to take on a lead role in this effort.  
2.1.p Youth Sport Complex   TBD    
Install ADA compliant restrooms. $120,000 Short Term Completed 2017
Install restroom  at west end of complex. $125,000 Short Term Completed 2018
Resurface Speicher Road. $100,000 Mid Term  
Extend 27th Street to Dam road for second exit. $400,000 Mid Term  
Improve access from Hwy 10. TBD Long Term  
Develop paved walking trail. $900,000 Long Term  
Develop an outdoor “destination complex” for tournaments in Lawrence. Destination complex to include major enhancements to YSC (additional soccer fields, football fields, and better site access along with additional parking) and building a new baseball and softball complex. $2,300,000 Long Term  
2.1.q Adventure Park $750,000 TBD Long Term  
Develop a new Adventure Park that provides activities such as Zip lines. One possible location could be the Prairie Nature Center. 
2.1.r Develop Parks   TBD    
Green Meadows Park – Pond trail $150,000 Short Term  
Peterson Park – restroom, parking, dog park  $200,000 Short Term  
Broken Arrow Park – Parking Lot $100,000 Short Term  
Broken Arrow Park – Replace Shelter and Restroom $350,000 Mid Term  
Burcham Park – shelter and playground $75,000 Mid Term 2019 CIP 
Veterans Park – Upgrade courts $115,000 Mid Term  
Deerfield Park – shelter and restroom $120,000 Mid Term  
Overland Drive Park – playground, shelter, trail $200,000 Long Term  
Edgewood Park – courts and ball diamond $75,000 Long Term  
Centennial Park – Upgrade Skate Park $125,000 Long Term  
2.1.s Dog Park $150,000 TBD Long Term  
Provide a new fenced in dog park for east/southeast Lawrence.  
2.1.t South Park Playground $500,000 TBD Mid Term  
Provide “destination” style of playground equipment at South Park. Remove existing playground equipment and provide ADA approved play surface. Playground replaced in 2018 - not destination
2.1.u   TBD Long Term  
Provide a new large picnic shelter (200-250 people) including ac/heated gathering space. $800,000  
2.1.v Indoor Aquatic Center   N/A Short Term  
HVAC unit Replacements in Leisure Pool. $330,000   Completed 2017
Upgrades and Improvements to the Indoor Aquatic Center.  $900,000 Short Term  
Paint Pool.  $100,000 Short Term Completed 2018
Lighting upgrades. $75,000 Long Term Completed 2017
2.1.w See Staff Document N/A On Going  
Replace and/or refurbish low scoring park amenities in poor condition. (Amenities with a score of 1). Completed 2017 and 2018 scheduled in 2019
2.1.x TBD N/A On Going  
Preserve natural areas and pocket parks.  
2.1.y TBD N/A Short Term  
Upgrade parking and restroom throughout the system. Scheduled for 2019
2.1.z N/A Staff Time Short Term  
Create an ADA Transition Plan. Scheduled for 2019
Goal 3: Organizational Efficiency  
Objective 3.1:         
Aspire to the new recommended organizational chart      
Actions Capital Cost Estimate Operational Budget Impact Timeframe to Complete Year to be Completed
As attrition occurs, hire the right people that fit the positions on the new org. chart N/A Staff Time Short Term Ongoing
Create a Succession Plan to address pending retirements N/A Staff Time Short Term Ongoing
Objective 3.2:         
Employ full time and part time/seasonal positions to the City's advantage    
Actions Capital Cost Estimate Operational Budget Impact Timeframe to Complete Year to be Completed
Convert part time to full time positions where it is the most effective N/A Added cost of benefits Short Term  
Increase wages for part-time and seasonal employees to a minimum of $10.50 per hour N/A $666,720 per year Short Term maintenance positions scheduled for 2019 
Objective 3.3:        
Create a Support Services section of LPRD per the new recommended organizational chart
Actions Capital Cost Estimate Operational Budget Impact Timeframe to Complete Year to be Completed
Add one Assistant Director for LPRD N/A $68,500 per year + Benefits Short Term Completed 2017
Add one Support Services Manager to supervise the Support Services section of LPRD N/A $50,000 per year + Benefits Long Term Completed 2018
Add one Human Resources Specialist for LPRD N/A $50,000 per year + Benefits Long Term Completed 2018
Add one Finance Manager for LPRD N/A $50,000 per year + Benefits Long Term  
Add one Grants, Alliances, Partnerships, and Sponsorships (GAPS) Specialist for LPRD N/A $40,000 per year + Benefits (Can bring in more than Paid) Long Term  
Add one Customer Services Registration Specialist for LPRD N/A $35,000 per year + Benefits Long Term  
Objective 3.4:        
Define Customers, Target Markets/Audiences      
Actions Capital Cost Estimate Operational Budget Impact Timeframe to Complete Year to be Completed
Review preliminary list of strategies provided and refine N/A Staff Time Short Term  
Assess existing messages and materials for targeting to identified audiences N/A Staff Time Short Term  
Evaluate potential for creating specific Marketing Plans and Budgets for Eagle Bend Golf Course and Sports Pavilion Lawrence and implement as appropriate N/A Staff Time Short Term  
Objective 3.5:        
Enhance Partnerships      
Actions Capital Cost Estimate Operational Budget Impact Timeframe to Complete Year to be Completed
Assess existing partnerships specifically related to marketing; identify those to strengthen N/A Staff Time Short Term  
Work with Explore Lawrence and City Administration to review guest tax proceeds distribution N/A Staff Time Short Term Ongoing
Objective 3.6:        
Refine Marketing and Promotion Strategies      
Actions Capital Cost Estimate Operational Budget Impact Timeframe to Complete Year to be Completed
Review Activity Guide for opportunities to make the document more user friendly -- perhaps reorganize; use the guide to move people to the website.  Begin to move away from paper to electronic guide N/A Staff Time Short Term Ongoing
Enlist the help of a volunteer committee to review the website for ease of use N/A Staff Time Short Term  
Review the possibilities for redesign of the website to be more friendly, inviting, and fun within constratins of the overall City system. N/A Staff Time Short Term  
Social Media review -- present pilot program for increasing immediacy of information sharing N/A Staff Time Short Term Ongoing
Simplify online registration N/A Staff Time Short Term  
Objective 3.7:        
Public Relations Strategies      
Actions Capital Cost Estimate Operational Budget Impact Timeframe to Complete Year to be Completed
Design and implement a one-year program of initial promotions N/A Staff Time Short Term  
Evaluate effectiveness and revise as appropriate N/A Staff Time Short Term  
Objective 3.8:        
Performance Monitoring      
Actions Capital Cost Estimate Operational Budget Impact Timeframe to Complete Year to be Completed
Design and implement routine surveys relative to effectiveness of marketing and promotions.  Specifically include a question of where people get their information regarding programs and activities on all materials N/A Staff Time On Going  
Continue to track, monitor, and report facility use to support economic impact measures Increase in CIP N/A On Going  
Goal 4: Improve Financial Position of LPRD  
Objective 4.1:        
Increase Funding Opportunities      
Actions Capital Cost Estimate Operational Budget Impact Timeframe to Complete Year to be Completed
Implement a Cost Recovery Philosophy and Policy to track cost center expenses and provide consistent, equitable, and fair user fees N/A $50,000 Short Term Planned 2019
Implement Land Dedication (or Fee-In-Lieu) and Developer Impact Fee Policy for all new residental developments to build trails, parks, and open space approved by the City N/A Staff Time Short Term  
Pursue dedicated, ongoing funding source through sales or special Parks and Recreation district tax N/A Staff Time Mid Term  
Create and fund a five-year CIP budget for LPRD to plan on deferred maintenance TBD Staff Time Short Term Completed annually
Investigate the creation of a LPRD Foundation to solicit tax-deductible donations for LPRD as well as the Scholarship Fund N/A Staff Time Short Term  
Pursue new, and continue ongoing, opportunities with universities, schools, wellness, state, and other public or private opportunities N/A Staff Time On Going  
Maintain portion of the sales tax so it is distributed equitably as intended when it passed N/A Staff Time Short Term  
Pursue sponsorships with appropriate entities N/A Staff Time On Going  
Develop and adopt a formal Partnership Policy N/A Staff Time Short Term  
Investigate passing a bond referendum for major facility upgrades N/A Staff Time Long Term  
Develop and adopt a formal Sponsorship Policy N/A Staff Time Short Term Completed 2018
Pursue partnerships with organizations that can assist with joint programming opportunities N/A Staff Time On Going