
City of Lawrence

Municipal Services and Operations



Thomas Markus, City Manager


Dave Wagner, Director

Brandon McGuire, Assistant to the City Manager


Amber Reynolds, General Manager


April 9, 2019


Municipal Services and Operations Master Plan



MSO master plan updates presentations will be the first of many conversations during MSO’s evolution into an asset management-focused organizational culture.  Implementing an asset management program establishes effective and innovative infrastructure investment and treatment strategies for the entire asset lifecycle - or simply the right treatment at the right time within the right reason. The MSO asset management framework components include:


-          Establish an asset portfolio including condition, probability of failure, and consequence of failure;

-          Determine costs of treatment strategies at current level of service and expected service life;

-          Develop policies and strategies for optimal level of service and in tandem with performance measures;

-          Create asset management plans by prioritizing and optimizing short-, mid-, and long-range strategies to align resources and need;

-          Execute plans through operational and capital resource allocation and leveraging economies of scale.


Embarking on asset management is a significant undertaking and operates within a cyclical framework of assessing, analyzing, planning, and implementing.  In other words – asset management is never complete. MSO will never “finish” street maintenance or water main replacement. Nor, is this strategy a quick fix, rather it is a measured, programmatic approach. The objective is determining the appropriate preventative maintenance, rehabilitation, reconstruction, and stop gap measure to keep the City’s assets in the desired serviceable condition utilizing the most effective investment of city funds.