

Airport Master Plan

Origin of Plan

Approved by Commission November 2011


Airport Layout Plan Approved by FAA June 2012


The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) desires airports to update their master plan every ten years to account for changes in local demands and aviation trends.


The Lawrence Municipal Airport (LWC) Master Plan evaluates the airport's capabilities and role, forecasts future aviation demands, and plans for the timely development of new or expanded facilities to meet that demand. The goal of the master plan is to provide systematic guidelines for the airport's overall maintenance, development, and operation. The master plan is a proactive document that identifies and plans for future facility needs. This ensures that the City of Lawrence can coordinate project approvals, design, financing, and construction with local, State, and Federal agencies to avoid experiencing detrimental effects due to inadequate facilities.


On July 27, 2010, the Commission appointed a Planning Advisory Committee which included Federal, State, and local agencies, airport tenants, and public representatives.


Planning term - 20 years


Expected outcomes from the plan

The goal of the Airport Master Plan Study is to provide the City with guidance for future development of the airport and meeting the needs of existing and future users, while also being compatible with the environment.

Specific objectives of the study included:

-          Identify factors likely to affect air transportation demand in Lawrence over the next 20 years

-          Determine the needs of airport users

-          Recommend improvements that will enhance the Airports ability to satisfy future aviation needs/demands

-          Establish a schedule of development priorities and capital improvement program.

-          Update airport mapping and airport layout plan


The next Master Planning process occurs in 2031


Status Update


The airport receives substantial funding from the Federal Aviation Administration. The proposed projects in the CIP receive 90% funding from the FAA (10% City). These projects compete with other airports in the region and are subject to Federal appropriations.


Completed Projects:


2012 Wildlife Assessment - $54,558

2013 Sealcoat and Re-Mark RWY 15-33 and Taxi A - $273,025

2014 Lighted signage for Runway and Taxiway - $277,744

2017/2018 Wildlife fence - $1,727,622

2018 Funding received from KDOT Aviation to reconstruct Taxiway C - $154,776 and apron pavement replacement - $131,796

In 2019, Hetrick Air is constructing a new large corporate hangar.


The Airport Layout Plan (ALP) is updated to reflect the Hetrick Air development and the Parachute Landing Area (PLA).



Staff provides the following considerations when considering the future of the Airport Layout Plan.

·         ALP projects depend on Federal funding. The FAA consider aircraft based at the airport and operations at the airport. The Hetrick Air development will increase the usage of the airport and aircraft based on site.

·         Additional T-Hangar space is needed for the airport to accommodate an increase in the number of aircraft based at the airport.

·         Airport property includes several development-ready parcels to support future aviation and non-aviation development and commercial uses. The development site is served by infrastructure and utilities. Marketing efforts for these valuable lots should be prioritized.

·         Ongoing infrastructure maintenance should also be prioritized.