


City Manager’s Office

Commission Meeting Date:  April 9, 2019

Staff Contact:

Diane Stoddard, Assistant City Manager

Recommendations/Options/Action Requested:

Receive overview presentation of master plans

Executive Summary:

On April 9, 2019, the City Commission will begin reviewing all of the city’s master plan documents in upcoming work session meetings per the Commission’s direction.  To assist facilitate the Commission’s review of each master plan document, the staff has plans to present the plans in groups based on similar categories (e.g. infrastructure and asset management, public safety and land use). Infrastructure and asset management-related master plans were selected as the first group of master plans to be presented for the Commission’s review.  


A master plan is a focused and in-depth review of a targeted subject, system or service.  A master plan generally sets forth an evaluation of existing conditions and sets forth recommendations for consideration in the future. In some cases, this may be recommended projects or program improvements, etc.  A master plan is myopic in that it provides a narrow view of that one particular subject, system or service of focus, often without the context of broader city-wide considerations.


Not all recommendations presented in a master plan document are followed or implemented due to any number of factors and changing conditions not contemplated during the development of the document (e.g. legal, regulatory, emergent public health, safety and welfare issues, financial factors, etc.). Master plans can, however, inform strategies and future planning efforts and should be considered as a tool in this regard. The City’s budget process and strategic planning process facilitate the consideration of master plans within the broader context of competing city-wide priorities and affordability factors.


Following this memo, several infrastructure-related master plan documents are presented in the agenda packed, along with brief memoranda summarizing each plan. City staff will briefly present highlights of each plan at the April 9th work session and will be available to respond to commissioner questions and requests for additional information. Future master plan review work sessions will follow a similar format.

Strategic Plan Critical Success Factor

Core Services

Fiscal Impact (Amount/Source):








Reviewed By:

(for CMO use only)