


Planning and Development Services

Commission Meeting Date:  February 19, 2019

Staff Contact:

Lynne Braddock Zollner, Historic Resources Administrator

Recommendations/Options/Action Requested:


Receive letter from the Historic Resources Commission about the need for design guidelines for East Lawrence.


Executive Summary:

At their meeting on December 20, 2018, the Historic Resources Commission (HRC) voted to send the attached letter to the mayor. The commission has noticed an increase in projects submitted to the HRC for review for properties located in East Lawrence. The HRC is of the opinion that the development and adoption of design guidelines for East Lawrence is important for the development of the neighborhood while maintaining the important historic character of the neighborhood.


Staff would note that the city recently rezoned a portion of the East Lawrence Neighborhood to address certain land use concerns.  Producing design guidelines requires an effort that would compete with other current and future planning workload items – completion of current planning efforts, other  neighborhood interests to create new or revise neighborhood plans, recent direction of the city commission to study 23rd Street, priorities that come out of the P2040 effort, etc. – and producing such has typically been accomplished through consultants with an established budget.  The Oread Neighborhood Design Guidelines, for example, were completed only after an opportunity to secure a grant presented itself.


Staff plans to present a prioritized work program to the city commission after P2040 is adopted that takes all the various desires into account and would like to include this request in that future effort.

Strategic Plan Critical Success Factor


Safe, Healthy, and Welcoming Neighborhoods


Fiscal Impact (Amount/Source):

There is no fiscal impact to the City at this time.


Letter from the Historic Resources Commission



Reviewed By:

(for CMO use only)