City of Lawrence

Public Transit Advisory Committee

Carnegie Building, Conference Room

December 10, 2018 minutes



Heather Thies, Mark Hurt, Nick Kuzmyak, Mike Wasikowski, Lance Fahy, Phyllis Farrar


Sarah Trumble, James Pavision


Robert Nugent, Wendy Koerner, Emily Lubliner, Serena Pearson, Ashley Myers, Ginger Doll (First Transit)  


Dylan Lysen - Lawrence Journal-World



1. Call to Order and Introductions

Heather Thies, Chair, called the meeting to order at 4:13. Quorum met. Introductions went around the room.


2. Approval of Minutes – (Action Item) – Mark Hurt made a motion to approve the minutes from the October 8, 2018 minutes.  Mike Wasikowski seconded, all in favor, no opposed.


3. Service Provider Contract

a.    Procurement – Bob Nugent explained that every five years we renew our joint service contract. This year we put out a procurement in July with two proposers – First Transit and MV Transportation. It was a joint procurement with the City and KU with five people from the City and five from KU on the selection committee.

b.    Selection – Bob said that the selection process was not just based on price alone, but many factors. Collectively, it was decided that First Transit would be our new provider so we entered into a contract with them that will start January 1, 2019.

c.    Staff Introductions – Ginger Doll was introduced as new General Manager with First Transit. She has been working here since Nov 1st getting everyone trained and ready to work for First Transit. She has been commuting from Kansas City but will be looking for a place in Lawrence soon.

d.    Transition – Ginger stated that they have brought on 147 employees out of 154 to First Transit from MV. The wages were increased by $3.00 per hour making it very appealing for employees to stay on. First Transit retained most management and will be bringing in a maintenance manager from Oklahoma. They also created a new position for Jeremy Stacy in Operations Management. Six trainers have come from out of town and already evaluated all of the drivers. It has been a good transition.


Bob stated that the labor contract still needs to be formalized. First Transit will be negotiating the final union contract on December 27.


Ginger stated that they are working to keep the lines of communications open so there are no problems with the transition and the contract. 


Bob said that we are still working on the getting the real-time information (mobile app and the real-time texting information) moved over to “Double map” before KU starts its spring session. Double map is the system that First Transit uses. Not much will change for the user, although they will have to download the new app. The texting phone number will stay the same – 41411.  One thing that is nice about the new system is we will be able to get real-time boarding information. There are “beams” that will count people getting on and off the bus. It can determine if it is a person getting on or off the bus. Currently, we just get daily ridership numbers but it doesn’t state which bus stop people are getting on and off from. The amount of data we will be receiving will help us improve our services.


4. Study Session

a. Date – Bob said that we would like to figure out what dates would work best for PTAC members and also what would PTAC members like to get out of this meeting.  We could do a “doodle” poll to see what people think. This would be an opportunity for new members to learn about transit – what we have done and what we do. This is an advisory committee so this gives them an opportunity to find out what they will be doing. There will be several new members after the first of the year so this may be a half-day session or longer. (38 min)

b. Format/Content – The group discussed having PowerPoint presentations first, or sent out to group prior to meeting, then have a group bus trip. Bob said he will be going through past presentations to see what will be relevant for this meeting. They are public meetings, so it will be open to the public as well. 


5. Marketing/Communications Update – Serena Pearson discussed the Facebook contest to get more people to like the new Facebook page. People that liked the page in November were automatically registered for a drawing for a free bus pass. The K-12 spring pass will be going on sale in December and the fall pass will expire at the end of the year.

Bob stated that we will be working to do more coordination with KU on communication and marketing. Also, joint branding will be something we will be working toward again in 2019.


6. Quick Updates –

a. Bus Transfer Center – Bob said we have had some initial conversations with KU on what their decision will be on the Transit Center, but we are still waiting. Once a decision is made, it will go before the City Commission.

b. Transportation Commission Appointment – Nick Kuzmiak said that the Mayor appointed him to the Transportation Commission.


7. Public Comment – No public comment. Mike Wasikowski recommended a book called “Trains, Buses, People” by Christof Spieler. He has a copy that he will donate before he leaves. He will be moving soon, taking a Fellowship in Washington, D.C.


8. Next Meeting January 14, 2018


9. Adjournment – 5:30




-Submitted by Serena Pearson