


Municipal Services & Operations

Commission Meeting Date:  February 5, 2019

Staff Contact:

Nick Hoyt, Project Engineer

Recommendations/Options/Action Requested:

Authorize the City Manager to execute the First Amendment to the Site Agreement with Verizon Wireless to extend the current lease at the Stratford Water Tower for the Cell Phone Communication Equipment.

Executive Summary:

In October 2003 the City of Lawrence and Verizon Wireless entered into a lease agreement at the Stratford Water Tower to install various cell phone communication equipment on the water tower. The original lease and option periods expired on October 31, 2018.


In principle, both the City of Lawrence and Verizon Wireless desires to execute a new long-term lease at this site. However, the existing water tower is scheduled to be replaced as Project UT1984CIP.


Since it is currently not known what facilities will be at this location after the water tower replacement project is completed or if those facilities can serve the dual purpose for Verizon’s communication equipment, both parties desire to execute a short-term extension of the existing lease that will terminate at the demolition of the existing water tower.


The City plans to leave the existing water tower in place during construction of the new water tower. Construction of the new water tower is anticipated to take over 12 months. After the design phase of the new water tower is completed in 2019, representatives from both the City of Lawrence and Verizon Wireless will be able to determine if a new long-term lease will be mutually beneficial. This will provide ample time to work out the details of moving the communication equipment to a new facility, either at this site or a different site.


Strategic Plan Critical Success Factor


Effective Governance/Professional Administration

Sound Fiscal Stewardship

Collaborative Solutions


Fiscal Impact (Amount/Source):

The agreement results in $2,571 in monthly lease payments to the city, set to increase 3% annually on January 1.





Reviewed By:

(for CMO use only)