


City Manager’s Office and Parks & Recreation

Commission Meeting Date:  February 5, 2019

Staff Contact:

Jasmin Moore, Sustainability Director and Derek Rogers, Parks & Recreation Director

Recommendations/Options/Action Requested:

Authorize the City Manager to finalize and execute a Host Site License Agreement with Westar Energy, Inc., for placement of one DC FastCharge and one Level Two Electric Vehicle Charging Station at Sports Pavilion Lawrence.

Executive Summary:


Westar Energy, Inc. (Westar) approached city staff on January 8, 2019 with an opportunity to engage in a public-private partnership to install Electric Vehicle (EV) charging stations at Sports Pavilion Lawrence. Three parking spots on the southeast portion of the lot (see map) would be reserved for this installation.


A limited number of strategic sites were identified by Westar within their service territory, including Sports Pavilion Lawrence, to place public charging stations. While over 80% of EV charging takes place at the driver’s home, access to a network of public charging stations contributes to reduced range anxiety, one of the primary barriers to EV adoption.


The Host Site License Agreement (Agreement) allows Westar to install and operate:

·         One DC FastCharge EV station, with one charging port, which will require one dedicated parking space. The FastCharge station will fully charge an EV in 30 to 60 minutes.

·         One Level Two EV charging station, with two charging ports, which will require two dedicated parking spaces. The Level Two station will provide approximately 8-10 miles driving distance per charging hour.


Westar is responsible for all aspects, including funding, of the installation and maintenance of the EV charging stations. The EV charging station users will pay the kilowatt-hour (kWh) charge including applicable riders, surcharges, taxes and fees assessed by Westar.


Installing EV charging stations aligns with the city’s goal of reducing emissions associated with vehicles, which is outlined in many foundational documents including the Climate Protection Plan, Peak Oil Task Force recommendations, and Horizon 2020.


Due to the limited window of time to sign the Agreement, it was not possible to get feedback from the Sustainability or Parks and Recreation Advisory Board before consideration by the City Commission.


Strategic Plan Critical Success Factor

Effective Governance/Professional Administration

Innovative Infrastructure and Asset Management

Collaborative Solutions

Fiscal Impact (Amount/Source):

There is no fiscal impact to the City.

The City is not responsible for any fees associated with the installation, maintenance, or use of the charging station infrastructure.


Westar Public EV Charging Station Host Site Agreement - Updated 02/05/19

Photos of Charing Station

Location Map



Reviewed By:

(for CMO use only)