City of Lawrence

Public Transit Advisory Committee

Carnegie Building, Conference Room

October 8, 2018 minutes



Heather Thies, Mark Hurt, Nick Kuzmyak, James Pavision, Lance Fahy, Phyllis Farrar


Mike Wasikowski, Sarah Trumble


Robert Nugent, Serena Pearson, Ashley Myers


Dylan Lysen - Lawrence Journal-World



1. Call to Order and Introductions

Heather Thies, Chair, called the meeting to order at 4:10. Quorum met. Introductions went around the room.


2. Approval of Minutes – (Action Item) – Mark Hurt made a motion to approve the minutes from the August 13, 2018 minutes.  Lance Fahy seconded, all in favor, no opposed.


3. Next Year (Discussion)


a.    Study Session – Bob Nugent explained that PTAC has three new members and will have two new members next year. We have a couple members whose terms are expiring at the end of the year. He would like to have a study session early next year (hopefully January) to get new members up to speed. This will be a good review and a snapshot of where we have been and where we are going as a committee.


b.    Appointment for Transportation Commission – Mark Hurt has been the representative from PTAC on the Transportation Commission since it started, but his PTAC term is expiring at the end of the year so he will no longer be able to serve on the Transportation Commission. Bob explained that he has been asked to have PTAC appoint someone for the Transportation Commission from PTAC for next year. It is a pretty big commitment since they are an active commission. Since there are new members joining PTAC, it was decided to wait until the end of the year to make this decision to make it fair for everyone who is interested.


Mark Hurt explained to the group that the Transportation Commission has monthly meetings on Mondays from 6:00 p.m. to usually around 7:30 or 8:00 p.m. There are also monthly study sessions, usually on a Wednesday at 4:30 p.m.  There are seven members on the commission.


c.    Amenities – Bob Nugent explained that we didn’t have a response to a recent RFP for bus shelters, he believes due to the complexity of installing shelters. We had the intentions of getting a contractor to do site design, buy the product, and do the layout and installation. What we plan to do in the meantime is buy benches and hire someone to install them. We are looking at about a dozen places to pour concrete and install benches. 


d.    Joint Branding/Marketing – Bob mentioned that next year we are looking to do a joint brand between the City and KU. The common brand may make it clearer that people can ride any bus in town. We are one team so we will need one common logo. This may be a good opportunity for public input as well.



4. Quick Updates


a. Bus Transfer Center – Bob said that we are asking decision makers from KU to consider the Bob Billings and Crestline for a possible transit center location, as opposed to the 21st and Stewart location. They should have an answer within a week or two.


Lance Fahy mentioned that there may not be as much of an issue with the Bob Billings location as opposed to the Stewart location due to traffic and neighborhood support. Bob mentioned that the transit center needs to be centrally located, so regardless of where it is located, concessions will need to be made.


b. Service Contract – Bob Nugent discussed the service contract with the group. The current contract with MV Transportation expires at the end of the year and is currently up for bid, as it has been every five years. We have had MV Transportation as our service provider for the last 18 years, but as of the first of the year it may be MV or another company that will be our service provider. There is a group of five people from the University and five from the City who are making the decision who will get the contract. Once a decision is made, it will go before the City Commission for approval.  


5. Public Comment – No comments were made.


6. Next Meeting – November 12, 2018


7. Adjournment - 5:40 pm




-Submitted by Serena Pearson