


City Manager’s Office

Commission Meeting Date:  12/11/18

Staff Contact:

Casey Toomay, Assistant City Manager

Recommendations/Options/Action Requested:

Authorize City Manager to enter into an agreement with the Lawrence Humane Society for animal sheltering services.

Executive Summary:

Under state statutes and our city code, the City has an obligation to shelter stray or abandoned animals collected by Animal Control.  Rather than construct and operate a municipal animal shelter, the City has partnered with the Lawrence Humane Society to provide animal sheltering services. 


The current agreement outlining the responsibilities and obligations of both the City and Humane Society was approved in 1997.  The Lawrence Humane Society and City staff are interested in updating the agreement to better reflect current practices.


In 2018, there were initial conversations about the Humane Society taking on additional animal control services, however, at this time, the proposed agreement reflects the current scope of services provided by the Lawrence Humane Society.  We continue to explore expanding the scope of services provided by the Humane Society and, if appropriate, anticipate bringing an amendment to this agreement to the Commission for consideration at a future date.


Significant changes to the agreement include:

·         Performance Audit.  The City is committing to undergo a performance audit of the animal control function.  This idea came from our conversations about expanding the scope of services provided by the Humane Society and is anticipated to help us understand what opportunities to improve service levels may exist regardless of who provides the service.

·         Additional Driveway Construction.  The City Commission amended the 2018 budget to provide additional funds in case the City and Humane Society reached an agreement regarding an expanded scope of service.  Part of the transition expenses contemplated at that time was an additional driveway and parking specifically for animal control vehicles and reclaim services at their facility.  Under the terms of the proposed agreement, The City will provide approximately 50% of the costs associated with this improvement, or $37,500, in 2018.     

·         Improvements to the Information Provided with Animals.  The agreement outlines what information will be provided when animals are taken to the shelter. This is one of many provisions aimed at improving communication between parties and at increasing the likelihood that an animal can be returned to its owner. 

·         Clarification of Reporting Requirements.  The agreement outlines what reporting requirements will be for the Humane Society, ensuring that the Commission can measure the outcomes of the services being provided.

·         Duration.  The proposed duration of the agreement is five years.  This will ensure the agreement is reviewed more frequently and provides an opportunity to address any operational issue that arise.    

Strategic Plan Critical Success Factor

Safe, Healthy, and Welcoming Neighborhoods

Core Services

Sound Fiscal Stewardship

Collaborative Solutions

Fiscal Impact (Amount/Source):

The fiscal impact to the City is $37,500 in 2018.  This item was included in the 2018 Amended Budget.  The fiscal impact to the City in 2019 is $365,000 and this item was included in the 2019 budget.  The cost of the remaining years will be determined as part of the City’s annual budget process.


Proposed Animal Sheltering Service Agreement


Reviewed By:

(for CMO use only)