


Municipal Services & Operations

Commission Meeting Date:  11/13/2018

Staff Contact:

Bob Brower, Operations Superintendent

Robert Aaron, Fleet Manager

Recommendations/Options/Action Requested:


Approve the purchase of one (1) Sewer Jet unit for the MSO Department, from Elliott Equipment Co., utilizing HGAC cooperative contract (CIP# UT1999F1). 


Executive Summary:


The 2019 budget and capital improvement program funds the replacement of Sewer Jet unit #2450.  Staff has identified Unit #2450 has met the replacement criteria that utilize age, maintenance, and upkeep.  This unit provides essential sewer operational maintenance for critical city infrastructure. Equipment evaluations determined that a sewer jet unit produced by Environmental Equipment was the best unit for operational efficiencies.  HGAC pricing was requested from the delivering dealer, Elliott Equipment Co.  Collaborative evaluation of the KC Metro Cooperative vehicle contract determined that the city could benefit from purchasing the chassis from the Metro bid to gain additional savings.


The chassis for this unit will be acquired through the city’s purchasing procedures.  MSO staff is seeking approval to purchase this sewer jet body from Elliott Equipment Co. utilizing the HGAC purchasing cooperative contract. This unit is a 2019 budgeted unit and, if approved, the purchase order will be issued in January 2019.


Strategic Plan Critical Success Factor

Asset Management

Core Services

Fiscal Impact (Amount/Source):

The fiscal impact to the City is $149,960.00. This unit pricing includes a trade for unit #2450. This replacement is funded in the 2019 budget and CIP for $250,000 (body and chassis) (CIP# UT1999F1).


HGAC contract pricing




Reviewed By:

(for CMO use only)