City of Lawrence

Public Transit Advisory Committee

Carnegie Building, Conference Room

August 13, 2018 minutes



Heather Thies, Mark Hurt, Mike Wasikowski, Nick Kuzmyak, Sarah Trumble


James Pavision, Lance Fahy, Phyllis Farrar


Robert Nugent, Serena Pearson, Wendy Koerner, Ashley Myers





1. Call to Order and Introductions

Heather Thies, Chair, called the meeting to order at 4:15. Quorum met. Introductions went around the room.


2. Approval of Minutes – (Action Item) – Mark Hurt made a motion to approve the minutes from the June 11, 2018 minutes.  Mike Waskikowski seconded, all in favor, no opposed.


3. Procurement (Discussion)

a. Service Contract RFP – Bob Nugent explained that we currently have a five year contract with MV Transportation that expires at the end of this year. We put out a service contract RFP at the beginning of July, went through the mandatory pre-bids, submission of questions (in next day or two) and August 31st is the submission date for proposals. There will be face-to-face interviews and we have a target date of October 1st to agree to a contract. This is joint RFP with KU but separate contracts. 

b. Amenities RFP – Bob Nugent discussed the value of certain types of amenities such as benches and shelters.  There was not any response to a recent RFP for installation of bus shelters, so we are looking at purchasing benches for now. The currently contracted cleaning company has agreed to install them at various locations around town. The storage facility at 15th Street is awaiting a structural inspection, so we are waiting on that to happen before we can order and store benches at that facility.


4. Quick Updates

a. Service Change – There were service changes that happened on August 1st.  The Route 3 no longer makes the loop on Kasold and Peterson Road, which did prompt a complaint from one passenger. It was necessary to make that change since it was difficult to keep time on that route and it serves Lawrence Memorial Hospital.

b. Bus Transfer Center – This location analysis for the transfer center was on the agenda at a City Commission meeting in June. It was decided to postpone taking any action on this issue until there is more communication with the decision makers at KU.

This will most likely be back on the City Commission agenda sometime in September. 


5. Public Comment – No public present.


6. Next Meeting – September 10, 2018 (tentative)


7. Adjournment - 5:15 pm




-Submitted by Serena Pearson