


Municipal Services & Operations Department

Commission Meeting Date: November 6, 2018

Staff Contact:

Zach Baker, Project Engineer

Recommendations/Options/Action Requested:


Authorize Mayor to dedicate right of way located on the northeast and northwest corners of 23rd Street and Massachusetts Street at Lot 12 in Block 4, in Haskell Place, an addition to the City of Lawrence AND the South One-Half of the East One-Half of Lot 8, in Moreland Place, an addition to the City of Lawrence.


Executive Summary:

Construction of the PW18E9, PWE10, and UT9902 CIP projects are beginning this fall 2018. The project includes: PW18E9 – 23rd Street mill & overlay from Iowa Street to Ousdahl Road, PW18E10 – 23rd Street center turn lane from Massachusetts Street to Louisiana Street, and UT9902 – waterline replacement from Louisiana Street to Barker Avenue.  Project budget is $2,300,000. Resolution No. 7246 was adopted May 15, 2018 to partially fund this project.


Easements have been acquired from property owners on the north side of 23rd Street between Louisiana Street and Massachusetts Street to construct sidewalk in that corridor. The City of Lawrence owns property on the northwest and northeast corners of 23rd Street & Massachusetts Street. To construct the sidewalk in that area, right-of-way will need to be dedicated. To facilitate the construction of the sidewalk and necessary utility relocations City staff recommends that the Commission authorize the Mayor to dedicate right-of-way on these two lots.


Strategic Plan Critical Success Factor

Safe, Healthy, and Welcoming Neighborhoods

Innovative Infrastructure and Asset Management

Sound Fiscal Stewardship

Collaborative Solutions

Fiscal Impact (Amount/Source):

No fiscal impact from the recommended action.


Dedication of Right of Way Tract 23

Dedication of Right of Way Tract 24

Tract 23 Description - Exhibit A

Tract 24 Description – Exhibit A

Location Map

Previous Agenda Reports:

January 16, 2018 Consent Agenda #7

Authorize the City Manager to execute a Design Engineering Services Agreement, in the amount of $169,030, with PEC, P.A. for Project No. PW1722 and UT1720 – 23rd Street Geometric and Waterline Improvements Project.  Staff Memo & Attachments - Updated 01/16/18


May 15, 2018 Consent Agenda #8a

Resolution No. 7246, declaring the City’s intent to issue General Obligation Bonds in the amount of $950,000 for the design and construction of Louisiana Street from 12th Street to 13th Street (CIP Project No. PW18E8), and improvements to 23rd Street from Massachusetts Street to Louisiana Street (CIP Project No. PW18E10)    Staff Memo & Attachments


September 18, 2018 Consent Agenda #6a

Award Bid No. B1834, 23rd Street from Massachusetts Street to Louisiana Street, PW18E9 – 23rd Street Mill & Overlay, from Iowa Street to Ousdahl, PW18E10 – 23rd Street center turn lane, from Massachusetts Street to Louisiana Street, and UT9902 – waterline replacement from Louisiana Street to Barker Avenue, to Sunflower Paving, in the amount of $2,077,599.20.    Bid Memo & Attachments



Reviewed By:

(for CMO use only)