



Commission Meeting Date:  11/6/2018

Staff Contact:

Carolyn Woodhead – Utilities Manager / Treatment Operations

Recommendations/Options/Action Requested:


Authorize the City Manager to execute an agreement for the Clinton Reservoir & Kaw River water treatment plants lime reuse program (RFP #R1816) with RD Johnson Excavating Company in the estimated amount of $135,000.


Executive Summary:

The City of Lawrence Clinton Reservoir & Kaw River water treatment plants produce lime residuals which can be beneficially reused. In the past, the lime has been reused in two ways: 1) applied to farmland to raise the pH of the agricultural land, and 2) mixed with soil to be used around construction sites or as daily cover for Hamm’s Landfill. The scope of work includes Lime lagoon clean-out, transportation, and beneficial reuse of the residuals at the Clinton Water Treatment Plant and the Kansas River Wastewater Treatment Plant. 


This contract agreement would establish lime lagoon removal of lime, transportation, and beneficial reuse of the residuals. This agreement allows the City to establish an option to extend for four (4) additional years upon written mutual agreement, and the consent of the City Commission. If the Agreement is extended, the compensation may be adjusted to account for inflation.


Request for proposal #R1816 was advertised on Demand Star on 8/29/18 with a submission date of September 26, 2018. One proposal was received with the following cost proposal.


RD Johnson Excavating Company

$13.25 per cubic yard


City staff has reviewed the proposal, qualifications and current project commitments of the proposer, RD Johnson Excavating Company. City staff recommends awarding the bid to RD Johnson Excavating Company in an amount not to exceed $135,000.


Strategic Plan Critical Success Factor:

Innovative Infrastructure and Asset Management

Fiscal Impact (Amount/Source):

The fiscal impact to the City is a cost not to exceed $135,000. Funding for these purchases is within the budget of the annual Municipal Services and Operations Utilities Fund budget.


Lime Agreement




Reviewed By:

(for CMO use only)