2018 Longevity Compensation

City Commission Parameters for Consideration


The following are general pay parameters that have historically been utilized regarding the calculation of employee longevity payments:


1.    Longevity is a discretionary payment considered by the City Commission each year.

2.    If approved, longevity payments:

a)    Commence January 1 of the year following the fifth (5th) year of employment.  (2018: full-time and part-time regular employees with a service date of 1-1-2014 or earlier)

b)    Be issued in December and paid by direct deposit or payroll card.  (2018: December 14, 2018)

c)    Credited for all whole years completed as of December 31 at the established rate multiplied by the number of years of consecutive service with the City of Lawrence.

3.    Periods of military leave will not constitute a break in consecutive service, as long as the employee returns to work immediately after discharge from military service.

4.    If longevity is approved for payment, any employee who retires or is approved for long-term disability during the current fiscal year shall receive longevity at a pro-rated basis according to the following parameters:

a)    1/12 for each month worked in the current year multiplied by number of years of service multiplied by the annual rate as determined by 2c.

5.    Employees, who voluntarily terminate employment, are separated by the City, die, or leave City employment for any reason other than KPERS/KP&F retirement or approved long-term disability during the year, are not eligible to receive longevity.

6.    If longevity payments are issued, the following payroll items will apply:

a)    All required federal and state deductions including

i)     Federal income tax withholding

ii)    State income tax withholding

iii)   KPERS and KP&F contributions (including double and triple deductions) for active employees

iv)   KPERS & KP&F contributions will NOT apply for retirees

b)    Garnishments and tax levies currently in force.


2018 Timeline

Longevity payments considered by City Commission:              November 6, 2018

Longevity checks issued (if approved):                                December 14, 2018