Independence Inc., 2001 Haskell Avenue, Lawrence, KS 6044

Minutes of September 18, 2018


Attending:   Mary Johnson, Marvel Williamson (Senior Resource Center), Tamara Cash,

Karen Heintzen, Susan Harris (JAAA), Tracy Harmon (Arbor Court), Katie Whitenight (CVL)

Judy Bellome, Marilyn Thomas (Catholic Charities), Marilyn Merrill, Melissa Williams (PACE),

Ellen Paulsen, Michele Dillon (JAAA), Heather (JAAA), Clint Olson (Veterans Affairs)


Judy welcomed all attendees to the meeting and introduced our speaker and topic for the day: 

                Clint Olson, Veterans Service Representative, Veterans Affairs


Following is a summary of Mr. Olson’s remarks:

·         Clint has office hours at the Senior Resource Center:  2nd and 4th Wednesday, 9am-12noon

·         Veterans who have a need for Medicaid letters can provide their discharge paperwork.  When the vet gets a letter – they have 7 days to reply.

·         For Vietnam Veterans, there are a few presumptive conditions:

o   Heart conditions, cancer, there is a $1200/mo payout benefit and access to CHAMPS VA insurance.

o   Auto connection – service – whatever condition tied to Agent Orange.

·         Non-service connected pension – serve 1 day during time of war and present proof of income.

o   Age 65- gross income before Medicaid payment after all medical expenses

o   $1200/mo – combined household income.  Net worth not include house or car and less than $80K /yr.

·         Application - $12000/yr – VA determines the benefit.

o   Nonservice connected, housebound, aide and attendant (dr signs off)

·         Survivor’s pension – for spouse in dire need – similar to the SSI benefit.

o   Serve 1 day

o   Less than $9,000 after medical expenses – VA recognizes Assisted Living as a medical expense.

o   Less than $80K/yr net worth.

·         There are 2 state r un Veterans’ facilities.  Winfield and Ft Dodge.

·         Supportive Services for Veterans’ Families – through national Salvation Army – NOT local

o   6 to 9 months’ rent and utilities

o   HUD vouchers – direct through the VA – Section 8 voucher – no wait list.

·         Health Care – automatic VA benefits for:

o   Vietnam Veterans

o   Marines who went through Camp Lejeune – 50’s 80’s suffering cancer.

o   Children of Vietnam Vets who suffer spinal bifida.

·         Veterans killed in active duty- Dept of Defense handles benefits.


LDCACA – we need look at the posting on the city and county websites and define who we are, our mission.

·         We are not-for-profit.  We are a community appointed organization who examine and review the needs of citizens over 60.  WE make recommendations for services of the city and county.

·         Issues we have raised – Lawrence Library – doors closing too fast – Brad Allen fixed the problem. Now there are heavy duty carts for books and motorized scooters for those who need them.

·         We also address- housing, transportation, caregiving.

·         We need to talk to the commissioners about an Aging Plan. 


Legislative Forum – this will be held at the Lawrence Public Library on October 4th from 1-4pm. 


The next meeting will be October 16th at 11:30 for eat and greet so bring your lunch and visit.

Breakout groups:
Transportation – Brenda, MaryJ, Ellen, Dawn
Caregiving – Michele D, Tamara, Judy
Affordable Housing – Tamara, Brenda, Dawn


Respectfully submitted, Mary Johnson, Secretary