


City Manager’s Office

Commission Meeting Date:  November 6, 2018

Staff Contact:

Thomas M. Markus

Recommendations/Options/Action Requested:


Adopt Resolution No. 7269 revising the City’s Ethics Policy.


Executive Summary:

The City first adopted an ethics policy by Resolution No. 5403 in March 1991.  It is best practices for organizations to periodically review its ethics policy and modify it as needed.  The proposed Resolution No. 7269 makes the following changes to the existing policy: 


·         It clarifies that the policy applies to elected officials, appointed officials, and City employees.

·         It explicitly states that soliciting, accepting, or collecting any fee, gift, or valuable thing from any person, organization, corporation, or other entity which is involved directly or indirectly in doing business or seeking to do business with the City is against the policy. Also, it states that items such as promotional items of de minimis value are acceptable items to be given to persons listed in this policy.

·         It prohibits employees and officials from using their positions for personal gain.

·         It prohibits City employees from acting as a contractor or entering into a contract with the City for one year following separation from the City.

·         It expressly states that City-owned property is not to be appropriated for personal use.

·         It prohibits a person covered by the policy from acting on behalf of the City without having such authority to do so.

·         It adds a provision prohibiting a person covered by the policy from harassing or treating any person differently on the basis of race, sex, religion, color, national origin, age, ancestry, familial status, sexual orientation, disability, or gender identity.

·         It prohibits retaliation against a person who reports any alleged violation of this policy.

·         Finally, it sets forth the potential repercussions of violating the ethics policy (employee discipline, up to and including possible termination, or removal from office).



Strategic Plan Critical Success Factor:


Effective Governance/Professional Administration


Fiscal Impact (Amount/Source):

There will be no fiscal impact on the City.


Resolution No. 7269

Resolution No. 5403





Reviewed By:

(for CMO use only)