


City Manager’s Office

Commission Meeting Date:  11-6-18

Staff Contact:

Britt Crum-Cano, Economic Development Coordinator

Action Requested:

Adopt on first reading, Ordinance No. 9572, authorizing the issuance of Industrial Revenue Bonds, in the amount of $3,000,000, for Heritage Tractor to obtain a sales tax exemption on construction materials to rebuild their facility at 1110 E. 23rd Street.

Executive Summary:

Heritage Tractor has distributed agricultural equipment since 2009 at its Lawrence location on 1110 E. 23rd Street. On May 5, 2018, a fire destroyed their current facility.  The business is now doing business across the street at 1105 East 23rd Street until a new facility can be built.


The company wishes to rebuild a larger facility at their current site and is requesting Industrial Revenue Bonds (IRB) to obtain a sales tax exemption on construction materials. Plans call for a 22,000 square foot building to be constructed on 3.5 acres to replace the 14,000 square foot building that was destroyed. 


This facility would allow Heritage Tractor to keep its existing Lawrence employees.  The Company reports its existing Lawrence employment base is 28 jobs at an average annual salary of $50,000. In addition, the company expects to increase employment by another 5-10 jobs at the facility over the next few years. 


Staff received an application from Heritage Tractor on July 3, 2018, requesting IRB financing to access a sales tax exemption on project construction materials. The applicant is requesting up to $3,000,000 in IRBs  to cover total project costs.  Of that amount, approximately $1.5 million is estimated to be spent on project materials subject to sales tax.


At their September 4, 2018 meeting, the City Commission approved Resolution of Intent No. 7257 to issue IRBs for Heritage Tractor to get a sales tax exemption on construction materials used to rebuild their commercial facility.   The next step required in the IRB process is the authorization of the issuance of the bonds through approval of a bond ordinance.


Strategic Plan Critical Success Factor

Collaborative Solutions

Economic Growth and Security

Fiscal Impact (Amount/Source):

The costs of incentives are restricted to a sales tax exemption on construction materials for the project.  Assuming a total project cost of $3,000,000 and using the most recent (January 2018) Kansas Department of Revenue countywide sales tax ratios, staff estimates the total value of exempted sales taxes to be approximately $135,000. Of this total exemption, the City is estimated to forego approximately $31,800 in sales tax revenues and the County is estimated to forego approximately $5,500 in sales tax revenues. The State would forego approximately $98,000 in sales tax revenues.


In addition, the City will collect an IRB origination fee based on the amount of bonds that are issued.  Per the City's economic development policy (Section 2.9.1), the applicant shall pay to the City 0.004 of par amount of bonds that are issued.  For a $3,000,000 bond issuance, the origination fee will be $12,000.



IRB Resolution of Intent No. 7257

Bond Ordinance No. 9572





Reviewed By:

(for CMO use only)