City of Lawrence

Community Police Review Board

September 17, 2018 minutes



Stephanie Littleton

Tony Mitchell

Jane Gibson

Sanjay Mishra, Ph.D.

Bill Graybill

Brooklynne Mosley

Tonia Salvini






Diane Stoddard, Assistant City Manager

Maria Garcia, Assistant City Attorney

Trent McKinley, Captain, Lawrence Police Department

David Ernst, Sergeant, Lawrence Police Department



Several citizens



The meeting was called to order at approximately 5:35 p.m.  Ms. Stoddard welcomed the members to the inaugural meeting of the Community Police Review Board.  Introductions were made.


Ms. Salvini joined the meeting.


Assistant City Attorney Maria Garcia presented training on the Kanas Open Meetings Act and Kansas Open Records Act and a basic overview of the 4th Amendment/search and seizure. 


Kate Carter, Assistant Attorney General with the State of Kansas, presented training on racial and other bias-based policing. 


Police Sergeant David Ernst provided an overview about the Lawrence Police Department’s Office of Professional Accountability, which conducts internal investigations regarding complaints about officers.   


Ms. Stoddard asked the members to sign a confidentiality agreement, which is required by board members as part of the city’s ordinance.  


Dr. Mishra joined the meeting. 


Ms. Stoddard provided the members an overview of the City’s website where the information about the Community Police Review Board is maintained.  Members were asked to get with her about any modification to contact information provided on the site. 


Possible dates for the next meeting were discussed.  The meeting was set for 6 pm on Wednesday, October 10 at the Investigations and Training Center on Bob Billings Parkway. Ms. Stoddard mentioned that the next meeting would include a review of the ordinance, bylaws, selection of a Chairperson and additional training. 


The meeting was adjourned at approximately 9 p.m.