


City Manager’s Office

Commission Meeting Date: Nov. 6, 2018

Staff Contact:

Danielle Buschkoetter, Strategic Projects Manager

Recommendations/Options/Action Requested:


Approve Social Service Funding Advisory Board recommendations for use of 2019 City funds.


Executive Summary:

On March 6, 2018 the City Commission approved the application for outside agencies to use when requesting 2019 City funds. That application was open from March 14, 2018 to April 16, 2018. The Social Service Funding Advisory Board began reviewing social service related applications in May.


On June 12, 2018, staff presented the Social Service Funding Advisory Board’s recommendations to the City Commission during the budget presentation. At that point, the City Commission directed staff to spend down fund balance in the Special Alcohol Fund. The adopted budget included an additional $37,000 for social service agencies.


On August 28, 2018, the Social Service Funding Advisory Board meet to discuss how to reallocate funds with the addition of $37,000 in the Special Alcohol Fund. The Board revised their recommendations for Special Alcohol Funds and kept their General Fund recommendations the same. The full funding recommendation from the Social Service Funding Advisory Board is attached along with meeting minutes.   

Strategic Plan Critical Success Factor:

Safe, Healthy, and Welcoming Neighborhoods

Collaborative Solutions

Fiscal Impact (Amount/Source):

The financial impact to the City is $615,000 in the General Fund and $787,000 in the Special Alcohol Fund. This was budgeted for in the 2019 budget.


Social Service Funding Advisory Board Recommendations

SSFAB May 17, 2018 Minutes (Application Review)

SSFAB May 22, 2018 Minutes (General Fund Recommendations)

SSFAB August 28, 2018 Minutes (Special Alcohol Fund Recommendations)





Reviewed By:

(for CMO use only)