


Planning and Development Services

Commission Meeting Date:  October 2, 2018

Staff Contact:

Mary Miller, Planner II

Recommendations/Options/Action Requested:

Approve a two-year extension, to November 6, 2020, for the approval of SUP-16-00361 for establishment of a Manufacturing and Production, Limited use at 1501 Learnard Avenue as part of the Sunrise redevelopment project.

Executive Summary:

The special use permit for Central Soyfoods tofu production facility, SUP-16-00361, was approved by the City Commission on November 6, 2016 subject to conditions noted on Ordinance No. 9306. One of the conditions was that the property be platted through the major subdivision process prior to any permit being issued. The applicant contracted with a consultant to prepare the preliminary plat; however, the applicant’s recent health issues have slowed the progress and it won’t be possible to complete the conditions or request a building permit by the expiration date: November 6, 2018.  The code requires that a building permit be issued within two years of approval.  The applicant requested an extension to allow more time to complete the platting of the property.

Strategic Plan Critical Success Factor

Safe, Healthy, and Welcoming Neighborhoods

Fiscal Impact (Amount/Source):

There is no fiscal impact to the City. The developer is responsible for financing this project.


Staff Memo

Special Use Permit Ordinance 9306

Special Use Permit Plan





Reviewed By:

(for CMO use only)