City of Lawrence, KS

Community Development Advisory Committee

May 10, 2018 Meeting Minutes




Robert Baker, Jenna Coker, Jonathan Holley, Frank Pondrom, Kendall Simmons, Blake Swenson






Alex Delaney, Steven Koprince






Danelle Dresslar, Brad Karr





Chair Holley called the CDAC meeting to order at 5:33 pm.


1.    Introductions

The committee members introduced themselves.


2.    Approval of the April 26, 2018 meeting minutes

Swenson moved to approve the April 26, 2018 meeting minutes. Simmons seconded the motion. The motion passed 6-0.


3.    Public Comment

There was no public comment.


4.    Discussion of 2018 CDBG/HOME final recommended allocations

Dresslar informed the committee HUD released the actual grant allocation amounts on May 1, 2018, and Lawrence received a 12.51% increase in CDBG over last year and a 30.96% increase in HOME over last year. Staff is asking the CDAC for their recommendations for allocating the additional $16,346 in CDBG Public Service funds, $70,834 in CDBG Non-Public Service funds, and $79,905 in HOME funds.


Staff notified all of the grant applicants of the additional funds, and informed them of the CDAC meeting to discuss the additional recommendations. The Salvation Army could not send a representative to the meeting but requested a letter be provided to the committee.


The committee decided to first discuss the additional HOME funds to allocate. The committee heard from each of the HOME applicants regarding their applications, and what any additional funding could provide. Holley felt the previously recommended $5,000 allocation to Lawrence Habitat for Humanity was a statement of support, but any additional funds to allocate could do more for pressing needs by being allocated to the Lawrence-Douglas County Housing Authority and Tenants to Homeowners. Swenson suggested giving an additional $5,000 to Habitat since they do provide affordable housing, an additional $20,000 to Tenants to Homeowners for CHDO project funds, and an additional $54,905 to LDCHA for Tenant Based Rental Assistance.


Swenson moved to fund 17a. Lawrence Habitat for Humanity, Foundation for one home, at $10,000; 16a. Tenants to Homeowners, Inc., CHDO Project Funds, at $82,353; and 15a. Lawrence-Douglas County Housing Authority, Homeless Transitional Housing Program, at $225,980. Coker seconded the motion. The motion passed 6-0.


Baker suggested discussing CDBG Public Service next, and felt the additional funds should be divided equally between the applicants, in case the White House proceeds with the plan to rescind the budget and reduce the HUD funding levels. Staff calculated the equal division of the Public Service funds and provided the numbers to the committee.


Holley offered an alternative of leaving the Neighborhood Associations at the previously recommended allocation, and dividing the additional funds between the remaining agency applicants. Holley felt this would be in line with discussion the committee had recently on reducing the overall funding to the Neighborhood Associations in favor of additional funding to local agencies who provide direct client services.


The committee heard from representatives of the Pinckney Neighborhood Association, North Lawrence Improvement Association, and East Lawrence Neighborhood Association.


Holley asked how many Neighborhood Associations in Lawrence qualified as low/moderate income, and therefore would be able to apply for CDBG funding. Karr indicated there were 25 low/mod income Neighborhood Associations in Lawrence qualified to apply for CDBG funds. Karr showed the committee an Interactive Map and a breakdown by Census Tract and Block Group to determine if a Neighborhood Association would qualify as low/moderate income.


Simmons felt the Neighborhood Associations should get a percentage increase from the additional available Public Service funding; she suggested an increase of $737 each.


Simmons moved to fund 1a. Brook Creek Neighborhood Association, 2a. East Lawrence Neighborhood Association, 3a. North Lawrence Improvement Association, and 4a. Pinckney Neighborhood Association, each at $4,737. Coker seconded the motion. The motion passed 4-1-1.


The committee heard from representatives of Catholic Charities of Northeast Kansas, Housing and Credit Counseling, and the Lawrence Community Shelter about their CDBG Public Service applications.


Swenson suggested increasing each Public Service applicant by the same percentage, using the numbers provided by staff.


Swenson moved to fund 5a. Catholic Charities of Northeast Kansas Lawrence Emergency Assistance Center at $11,843; 6a. Housing and Credit Counseling Inc Housing and Credit Counseling Program at $5,192; 7a. Lawrence Community Shelter Operating Expenses at $46,541; 8a. The Salvation Army Emergency Service Council at $14,212; and 9a. Success by 6 Coalition of Douglas County Housing Assistance Fund at $8,290. The motion was seconded by Baker. The motion passed 6-0.


Baker left the meeting.


The committee discussed the additional Non-Public Service allocation recommendations. Ted Boyle spoke to the committee regarding the NLIA’s request for an additional traffic calming device with the additional Non-Public Service funding.


Swenson moved to fund 14a. North Lawrence Improvement Association, Traffic Calming Devices at a total of $40,000 for five devices, with the exact addresses to be determined by the Public Works Department; and 10a. City of Lawrence (Public Works Department), Sidewalk and Bicycle Gap at $303,034. Pondrom seconded the motion. The motion passed 5-0.


Holley moved to fund 12c. City of Lawrence Community Development Division, Administration at the 20% cap of $140,035 for CDBG and at the 10% cap of $41,569 for HOME; and 16b. Tenants to Homeowners, Inc., CHDO Operating Funds at the 5% cap of $20,784. Pondrom seconded the motion. The motion passed 5-0.



5.    Miscellaneous/Calendar

Dresslar reminded the committee they had previously voted to cancel the remaining meetings in May, June, July, and August of 2018. The next meeting of the CDAC will be September 13, 2018.


The 2018 Action Plan and 2018-2022 Consolidated Plan will be on the May 15, 2018 City Commission agenda for approval.


6.    Adjourn

Holley moved to adjourn the meeting. Pondrom seconded the motion. The motion passed 5-0.


Attendance Record



Jan 11

Jan 25

Feb 8

Feb 22

Mar 8

April 12

April 26

May 10









Robert Baker

















Frank Brown

















Jenna Coker

















Alex Delaney

















Jonathan Holley

















Steven Koprince

















Frank Pondrom

















Blake Swenson

















Kendall Simmons


















E              Excused Absence                                                    U             Unexcused Absence

X              Meeting Cancelled – Weather Conditions                -               Meeting Cancelled – Committee Vote/No Business

*              First meeting after appointment                             **            Last Meeting Prior to expired term

^             Last Meeting