


Municipal Services & Operations

Commission Meeting Date:  September 18, 2018

Staff Contact:

Andy Ensz, Utilities Engineer

Recommendations/Options/Action Requested:


Receive report on payment of $92,744.73 to R.D. Johnson Excavating Company for emergency waterline repairs on Bob Billings Parkway.


Executive Summary:

The City’s Purchasing Procedures Manual, Section 1.4, Emergency Procedures, establishes that when an emergency expenditure over $50,000 is incurred, a full report of the circumstances necessitating that emergency action shall be presented to the Governing Body as soon as reasonably possible. The City incurred emergency expenditures in the amount of $92,744.73 related to an emergency waterline repair. This report notifies the Commission of this expense pursuant to the Purchasing Procedures.


On July 19, 2018, a Municipal Services & Operations (MSO) crew responded to a reported leak in the 6100 block of Bob Billings Parkway. The crew arrived on site at 21:15 and found a waterline leak. The waterline was 12-inch ductile iron pipe installed in 1997. Initially, 60 customers were without service, but the crew was able to close a valve that restored water to the customers. The crew began excavating the waterline and found two holes in the pipe that required replacement of 8 feet of pipe. The crew continued to excavate the waterline to try to find good pipe to connect to; however, the existing pipe was in very poor condition.


On July 20, 2018 at 06:00, R.D. Johnson Excavating Company was called to relieve the MSO crew. R.D. Johnson Excavating Company continued excavation of the existing waterline to find good pipe. At 12:30, pipe assessment by MSO staff determined the waterline was in too poor of condition and they were unable to connect to a good pipe. MSO staff decided to complete an emergency waterline replacement. MSO staff requested R.D. Johnson Excavating Company install the new waterline since they were on site and had equipment on site to dig through rock.


R.D. Johnson Excavating Company installed approximately 780 feet of new 12-inch C-900 PVC waterline with MSO staff providing materials and inspection. All bacteriological samples passed inspection and the new waterline was in service on July 30, 2018. During the waterline replacement, no customers were out of service.

Strategic Plan Critical Success Factor

Innovative Infrastructure and Asset Management

Core Services

Fiscal Impact (Amount/Source):

The fiscal impact of the emergency expenditure was $92,744.73. Funding came from the Operations & Maintenance Budget.





Reviewed By:

(for CMO use only)