
City of Lawrence

Utilities Department



Thomas M. Markus – City Manager

Diane Stoddard – Assistant City Manager

Casey Toomay – Assistant City Manager

Brandon McGuire – Assistant to the City Manager


Dave Wagner – Director of Utilities

Mike Lawless – Deputy Director of Utilities

Philip Ciesielski – Assistant Director of Utilities

Beth Krishtalka – Assistant to Director

Mark Hegeman – Utilities Operations Superintendent

Dave King – Utilities Maintenance Superintendent


Leah Morris – Project Engineer


May 18, 2016


Authorize the Utilities Department to sole-source purchase two ABB Variable Frequency Drives from Logic, Inc. for $123,010.00.


Pump Station PS 5 Project Status

On May 16, 2016, utilities staff reported that the submersible pump and motor control failed on one of the three large pumps at Pump Station 5 (PS 5) located on the campus of Haskell Indian Nations University. The 1980 motor control was scheduled to be removed and replaced by a variable frequency drive (VFD) as part of Project UT1603 Pump Station PS 5 Electrical and Mechanical Improvements that is currently under design. The damaged pump is being removed and will be replaced as soon as possible.   


Due to this mechanical failure, the pump station is at a reduced pumping capacity.  The Utilities Department has contracted with Thompson Pump to provide emergency bypass pumping.  This bypass pumping will operate as elevations in the wet well rise during wet weather events.  The location of the 1,900 linear feet of 18” bypass piping will go from PS 5 to the first downstream manhole located in the southeast quadrant of the North Perimeter Road and East Perimeter Road intersection as shown in the attached map.  The cost of this emergency bypass pumping rental equipment is $34,480 per month.  The one-time cost for delivery, installation and removal is $20,745.


Project UT1603 is currently in the design phase and includes proceeding with an accelerated design of a quick-connect bypass connection to the 24” forcemain located on the PS 5 property. This quick connection will allow bypass pumping from the pump station wet well directly to the forcemain in the event of pump failure or power loss at PS 5.  Utilities Department staff will proceed with an emergency contract to construct this quick-connect bypass as soon as possible in order to reduce the current emergency bypass pumping cost, as well as eliminate the 1,900 linear feet of 18” bypass piping. By constructing the bypass connection ahead of the construction project, the future contractor will be able to utilize the quick-connect during construction of the other electrical and mechanical improvements and will not have to run 1,900 feet of bypass piping. 


In addition to the purchase of the VFDs, staff is accelerating the preparation of the specifications and purchase of an electrical switchboard and automatic transfer switch (ATS) as this equipment has very long lead times for fabrication and delivery.  By purchasing these pieces of equipment prior to the construction project, the overall project duration is shortened and will get PS 5 back to full operational status sooner. By purchasing the equipment outside of the construction contract there will be no contractor markup on the equipment.  The VFDs will be purchased from Logic, Inc., the local supplier for the Department’s specified standard VFDs from manufacturer ABB, for a total cost of $123,010.00.  Once the specifications for the switchboard and ATS are complete, staff will procure pricing and bring a request to purchase authorization for Commission approval.


Pump Station PS 5 Project History

Wastewater Pump Station PS 5 is one of the larger wastewater pump stations in the collection system. PS 5 pumps flows directly to the Wastewater Treatment Plant. The scope of Project UT1603 includes the installation of two VFDs, replacement of the existing motor control center with a service entrance rated automatic transfer switch, installation of an electrical distribution switchboard, separate lighting transformer and panelboard, and an emergency generator connection.


On May 3, 2016, the City Commission authorized the City Manager to execute Supplemental Agreement No. 5, in the amount of $44,338 to the Engineering Services with Black & Veatch for additional Engineering Design Services for Project No. UT1603.


Project Funding

The project is funded from the Department of Utilities Bonded Construction Fund per Resolutions No. 7062 and No. 7107, and the Non-bonded Construction Fund.



Authorize the Utilities Department to sole-source purchase two ABB Variable Frequency Drives from Logic, Inc. for $123,010.00.