
City of Lawrence

Public Works



Charles Soules, Public Works Director


Tammy Bennett, Assistant Public Works Director


Kathy Richardson, Solid Waste Manager


May 16, 2016


Request to negotiate professional services contract for Phase 2 Solid Waste Facility, Project Number PW1406


Project Description

In 2014, the City of Lawrence acquired the property at 2201 Kresge Road for the purpose of combining solid waste operations in a single location. The project was designed for phased implementation. Phase 1 included improvement to the northern portion of the property, construction of a 5100 sq. ft. Household Hazardous Waste facility (HHW), realignment of drainage ditch on the west, and construction of new stormwater detention basin to serve the entire site. Phase 1 was completed in late 2015. The first HHW appointments started in April 2016.


Phase 2 focuses on the areas needed to consolidate operational staff at this site. When complete, trucks and staff will be moved from the structure at 1140 Haskell (which is in the floodway) and from the Solid Waste Annex North. Phase 2 will incorporate changes to the building on-site (former Penske shop), and include construction of a building expansion to house operational staff. The facilities will include restrooms, locker rooms, and a dual-purpose training/employee area. Preliminary planning work for this phase was completed with the original project design.


Request for Qualifications/Proposals

Qualifications and proposals were received from two engineering/architecture teams for Phase 2. Staff recommends proceeding with the team of Bartlett & West, with Hernly Architects, to negotiate a professional services contract on this project. Evaluations were made based on thoroughness of submittal, history and familiarity with project, ability to perform services within time prescribed, and overall performance of this team on Phase 1 of the same project.  



Authorize staff to negotiate the Engineering Design Services Agreement with Bartlett and West for Phase 2 of the Solid Waste Facility on Kresge Rd.