Week ending May 20, 2016


April Financial Reports

The monthly financial reports (see attached) include a summary of ALL funds. A cover memo for the financial report include revenue and expenditure highlights for April including the latest 2016 projections. 


April Sales Tax Report

April 2016 sales tax receipts (see attached) were $175,180 (9.6%) above the same period in 2015. Year to date collections are roughly 5.2% over 2015 levels and are above our 3.7% projection for the 2016 budget.


Fireworks Enforcement Update

Please see the attached memorandum from Chief Khatib regarding fireworks enforcement options and the communications plan provided by Megan Gilliland.


Appreciative Visitor Thanks City

The city received a letter from a recent visitor to Lawrence. The visitor was complimentary of the city in general and made a comment about re-considering his retirement choices after his recent visit.  The city responded to the email, we wanted to share it with the Commissioners (see attached).


City Manager and staff meet with Director of Rental Housing Development at the Kansas Housing Resources Corporation

Tom Markus, Casey Toomay, Diane Stoddard, Britt Crum-Cano and Danelle Dressler met with staff at the Kansas Housing Resources Corporation to receive a briefing on state tools for affordable housing.  The attached memorandum provides an overview of the information shared at that meeting.