
City of Lawrence

Parks& Recreation Department



Diane Stoddard, Interim City Manager


Casey Toomay, Assistant City Manager


Ernie Shaw, Interim Director, Parks & Recreation


January 29, 2016


Parks & Recreation Comprehensive Master Plan Consultant Agreement


Project Description

Five (5) firms submitted proposals for updating the Comprehensive Master Plan (LandPlan Engineering, Pros Consulting, Dick Horton Consulting, RDG and GreenPlay LLC), ranging in price from $54,990 - $187,150. Four (4) firms were interviewed by the Master Plan Steering Committee consisting of Sue Hack, Eileen Horn, Kevin Loos, Mark Hecker and Ernie Shaw the week of January 25, 2016.   The City of Lawrence Parks and Recreation Department/Master Plan Steering Committee requests Commission approval to accept proposal/services from GreenPlay LLC consulting that include a team of local/regional firms with Bartlett & West, Gould Evans, Vireo and RRC Associates.


Project Background

The purpose of the project is to develop a comprehensive Parks and Recreation Master Plan for the City of Lawrence parks, recreation programming, staffing, open space, trails, facilities, marketing, natural/historical features and landscape. The goal of the project is to develop a community supported plan that provides guidance for future development, maintenance, funding and redevelopment of all these elements.  The Master Plan will guide policy development, funding, delivery of city services, prioritize demands, opportunities, and generate a strategic action plan to provide a 10 year vision for the City of Lawrence. It will support expansion opportunities for ground breaking amenities by creating a facility and space needs assessment using population growth, annexed areas, etc. and be rooted in innovative strategies including all-inclusive public engagement, cross boundary/collaborative approaches, and shared geo-referenced data collection. 


The current plan was last updated in 2000 and has been identified as a high priority in the “Issues Action Report” in the updating of the Communities’ Horizon 2020 plan. 


Project Funding

Costs for these services are estimated at $69,500 and will be paid from Sales Tax Reserve.


Action Request

Authorize the Interim City Manager to negotiate a contract with GreenPlay LLC for updating of the Parks & Recreation Department Comprehensive Master Plan.