
City of Lawrence

Planning and Development Services



Diane Stoddard, Interim City Manager


Planning Staff


February 9, 2016


Clarification on Planning Commission recommendation associated with Preliminary Development Plan, PDP-15-00610, for Village Cooperative of Lawrence, located at 5325 W 6th Street.


On Monday, January 25, 2015, The Lawrence-Douglas County Metropolitan Planning Commission unanimously approved the Village Cooperative of Lawrence Preliminary Development Plan, PDP-15-00610, subject to the conditions listed below. Commissioners amended the conditions of approval to include a condition related to access from Branchwood Drive.


Recommended City Commission Action

Approve of the Village Cooperative of Lawrence Preliminary Development Plan, PDP-15-00610, subject to the following conditions:

1.    Agreement not to protest the formation of a benefit district for future signal improvements at W 6th Street and Branchwood Drive must be executed by the applicant and provided to the Planning Office before recording of the Final Development Plan.

2.    Provision of a revised Preliminary Development Plan with the following changes:

a.    Add the following note, “We hereby dedicate to the City of Lawrence the right to regulate any construction over the area designated as Common Open Space, open air recreation area, and non-encroachable area and to prohibit any construction within said areas and spaces inconsistent with the approved use or enjoyment of residents, lessees, and owner of the Planned Development”.

3.    Access shall be provided only from Branchwood Drive. Any future requests to change or add access to Stonecreek Drive or W 6th Street shall be viewed as a major change to the Preliminary Development Plan given its potential to create a substantial adverse impact on surrounding landowners. This will require rehearing and reapproval of the Preliminary Development Plan by the Planning Commission and City Commission.