City of Lawrence

Public Incentives Review Committee

August 4, 2015 minutes



Mayor Jeremy Farmer via phone, Vice Mayor Leslie Soden, Linda Jalenak, Brian Iverson, County Commissioner Mike Gaughan, Brad Burnside, Aron Cromwell and Jill Fincher






Diane Stoddard, Britt Crum-Cano



Approximately eight people from the public and media were present. 


Vice Mayor Soden called the meeting to order at approximately 11:10 am.  


Introductions of new members Jill Fincher and Aron Cromwell were made. 


A motion was made by Linda Jalenak, seconded by Brian Iverson to approve the April 29, 2015 meeting minutes.  Motion approved unanimously 6-0.


Brad Burnside and Brian Iverson declared conflicts of interest on the 800 New Hampshire item and moved to sit in the audience.


Bill Fleming provided the Committee an overview of the project and the IRB request to access a sales tax exemption on construction materials for the 800 New Hampshire project.  The project involves an investment of approximately $7.8 million project.  Plans call for the existing building (formerly Pachamama’s restaurant) and parking to remain, with a four-story apartment addition above the existing street level.  The project will consist of approximately 50-55 multi-family units and a partial roof-top terrace with the retail/restaurant space remaining on the ground level. 


Britt Crum-Cano provided an overview of IRBs and the project analysis.  IRBs can be used to access a sales tax exemption or property tax abatement.  There is no liability on the part of the city to issue these IRBs.  It is a conduit financing mechanism.  She explained that these tools are being used more frequently as a sales tax exemption used to be able to be provided directly by the State of Kansas for many projects.  


Regarding this project, she summarized that this project does meet the IRB policy criteria.  She stated that the estimated total sales taxes that would be exempted, including the local and state share, totals approximately $316,658. 


Ms. Jalenak asked about an enterprise zone.


Commissioner Gaughan stated that first year sales tax that would be exempted from the county would be far exceeded by the property taxes.


Ms. Jalekak asked about parking.  Britt Crum-Cano stated that in the downtown area with the zoning, there was no requirement for on-site parking.  She mentioned a memo that was recently provided highlighting various parking.  Ms. Jalenak mentioned that she didn’t think it was relevant but was curious.  Ms. Crum-Cano did provide some information about the occupancy of public parking in the area.  Vice Mayor Soden mentioned that the City Commission was interested in looking at possibly revisiting the zoning related to the downtown parking requirement.  She said that this was something that she was concerned about.  


Vice Mayor Soden asked about street impacts and requirements of the developer to restore the street.  The developer team responded that there is existing parking on the street and that with the north project at 9th and New Hampshire, a new water line was being extended along New Hampshire and that the City was working on a water line project on 9th Street.  Vice Mayor Soden asked about the Farmers’ Market and their knowledge of this project and its timing.  Robert Green stated that there has been discussion regarding the 9th and New Hampshire Project.  Vice Mayor Soden suggested that coordination occur between First Management and Farmer’s Market on the project timeline and impacts.  It was also stated that as part of the process, neighbors around the project area were notified of the project. 


Mr. Cromwell stated that there were a few environmental items to point out regarding this project. This is an infill project with infrastructure already in place.  Additional density is being created.  These things are more efficient environmentally.  He stated that there are significant environmental advantages with infill.  He mentioned that the building was also LEED certified, which was of note. 


Commissioner Gaughan appreciated Mr. Cromwell’s pointing those items out and stated that the policy specifically addresses these items and other elements, including downtown location.  He stated he intended to support this. 


Motion made by Commissioner Gaughan, seconded by Jalenak to recommend approval of the project.  Mayor Farmer joined the meeting by phone.  The motion was approved on a vote of 5-1 with Vice Mayor Soden voting against.


The meeting was adjourned at 11:45 pm.