Attachment D
2016 Plan Funding Modeling - No changes in contributions or plan design past 2016
Category 2015 Done in March 2014 2015 Updated*
done Mar 2015
2016 2017 2018
Active Expenses          
  Medical 6,059,000             6,223,960             6,597,000             6,993,000             7,413,000
  Rx 1,759,000             1,680,000             1,831,000             1,996,000             2,176,000
  Dental 608,000                529,000                555,000                583,000                612,000
  Administration 422,000                583,000                600,000                618,000                637,000
  Stop-loss 1,030,000                970,000             1,213,000             1,516,000             1,895,000
Total 9,878,000             9,985,960            10,796,000            11,706,000           12,733,000
Active Revenues          
  City 6,691,000             6,845,000             7,119,000             7,119,000             7,119,000
  Employee 1,342,000             1,501,000             1,561,000             1,561,000             1,561,000
Total 8,033,000             8,346,000             8,680,000             8,680,000             8,680,000
Fund Balance BOY 7,915,000             8,173,200             6,533,240             4,417,240             1,391,240
Retiree Balance BOY          
Active Fund Balance EOY 6,070,000             6,533,240             4,417,240             1,391,240            (2,661,760)
Retiree Expenses          
  Medical 705,000                807,040                855,000                906,000                960,000
  Rx 242,000                209,000                228,000                249,000                271,000
  Dental 46,000                  37,000                  39,000                  41,000                  43,000
  Administration 35,000                  29,000                  30,000                  31,000                  32,000
  Stop-loss 85,000                  65,000                  81,000                101,000                126,000
Total 1,113,000             1,147,000             1,233,000             1,328,000             1,432,000
Retiree Revenues          
  City 1,000,000             1,000,000             1,040,000             1,040,000             1,040,000
  Retiree 491,000                439,000                457,000                457,000                457,000
Total 1,491,000             1,439,000             1,497,000             1,497,000             1,497,000
Fund Balance BOY 1,205,636                949,300             1,241,300             1,584,000             1,788,000
Fund Balance EOY 1,667,000             1,241,300             1,584,000             1,788,000             1,838,000
Total Expenses          
  Medical             6,764,000             7,031,000             7,452,000             7,899,000             8,373,000
  Rx             2,001,000             1,889,000             2,059,000             2,245,000             2,447,000
  Dental                654,000                566,000                594,000                624,000                655,000
  Administration**                457,000                612,000                630,000                649,000                669,000
  Additional Wellness Fund                330,100                330,100                330,100                330,100                330,100
  Stop-loss             1,115,000             1,035,000             1,294,000             1,617,000             2,021,000
Total            11,321,100            11,463,100            12,359,100            13,364,100           14,495,100
Total Revenues          
  City             7,691,000             7,845,000             8,159,000             8,159,000             8,159,000
  Employee/Retirees             1,833,000             1,940,000             2,018,000             2,018,000             2,018,000
Total             9,524,000             9,785,000            10,177,000            10,177,000           10,177,000
Fund Balance BOY             8,567,000             9,122,500             7,444,000             5,262,000             2,075,000
Fund Balance EOY             6,770,000             7,444,000             5,262,000            2,075,000            (2,243,000)
Recommended Minimum Fund Balance             2,963,000             2,966,000             3,207,000            3,479,000             3,757,000
% Increase in Revenues needed to Cover Current Years' Expenses      
21% 31% 47%
% Increase in Revenues needed to Maintain Minimum Funding (per City's policy) 5% 45% 101%
* Updated to Reflect 2014 Claims
** Administration updated with Consulting, Wellness (outside of the clinic), Cobra and $50,000 for possible benefit admin system 
Apply Funding Increase          
  City      y   n   n 
  Employees      y   n   n 
Assumptions / Inputs    
 - Medical 6%
 - Rx 9%
 - Dental 5%
 - Administration 3%
 - Stoploss 25%
City Funding Increase (if applicable) 4%
Employee Funding Increase (if applicable) 4%
Minimum Fund Balance Level 20%
Catastrophic Load   20%