Attachment A
Plan Design Recommendations -  2016 
  2016 2016 2016
  Option 1 Option 2 Option 3
Medical Plan Information  No Changes Recommended                                                         Increase Deductible and Out-of-Pocket Balanced Revenues/Expenses
Employer HRA Contribution      
Individual/Family $250/$500 $250/$500 $250/$500
Wellness Incentive (if earned) $300 $300 $300
Fund Cap $1900/$1900 $1900/$1900 $2,000/$2,000
Deductible (Individual/Family)      
In-Network $1000/$2000 $1200/$2400 $3000/$6000
Out-of-Network $1000/$2000 $1200/$2400 $6000/$12000
Out-of-Pocket (Individual/Family)      
In-Network $2,000/$4,000 $2400/$4800 $3000/$6000
Out-of-Network $4,000/$8,000 $4800/$9600 $12000/$24000
Coinsurance Level      
In-Network 20% 20% 20%
Out-of-Network 40% 40% 40%
Prescription Drug      
Generic 20% 20% deductible then 20%
Brand - 30 day supply $25 + 20% $25 + 20% Deductible then $25 + 20%
Brand - 90 day supply $50 + 20% $50 + 20% Deductible then $50 + 20%
Out of Pocket Maximum, non-specialty (Individual/Family) $1000/$2000 $1000/$2000  
Specialty - 30 day supply $25 + 20% $25 + 20% Deductible then $25 + 20%
Out of Pocket Maximum, specialty (Individual/Family) $1,000/$2,000 $1,000/$2,000  
Step Therapy All available drug classes, GF All available drug classes, GF All available drug classes, non-GF
DAW Override No - member pays cost diff. No - member pays cost diff. No - member pays cost diff.
Biweekly Contributions      
Employee $7 $7 $54
Employee plus Spouse $81 $84 $116
Employee plus Children $75 $77 $105
Family $130 $136 $167
Aggregate Total Yearly Contributions      
Employee $1,501,000 $1,567,000 $2,311,000
Retiree $439,000 $457,000 $457,000
City $7,845,000 $8,159,000 $7,845,000
HRA Account Utilization (of Total Available)      
Employee Spend Percentage 80% 80% 80%
Plan Funding Impact      
% Change in Projected Plan Cost   -1.93% 14.00%
Projected Fund EOY balance $4,870,000 $5,598,000 $7,479,000
Projected affect to fund-- BOY to EOY ($2,574,000) ($1,846,000) $35,000
Member Burden Impact      
City Funds 74.2% 71.1% 55.0%
Employee Funds 25.8% 28.9% 45.0%
Member Burden Note:
Member burden (employee funds) for 2014 was 26.8%. It is estimated to change as shown above for the respective plan design changes.  Target range is 25-29%