2014 Sidewalk Inventory Defect Report 4/24/2014
Overall Defect LF x 5 feet wide x $6 sqft
Overall Total                   203,658 1018290  $        6,109,740
Arterial                      28,045
Collector                      45,559
Residential                   130,054
Vertical Deflection less than or equal to 1"                      70,590
Vertical Deflection more than 1"                      84,076
Horizontal Gap                        1,516
Tree Roots                      10,346
Cross Slope                        9,250
Brick Reset                      20,398 * construction costs would be calculated differently
Manhole                        4,126
Missing Sidewalk                        3,356 should be thought of as length of missing panels in a continuous sidewalk
Arterial Defect Breakdown Defect LF x 6 feet wide x $7 sq ft
Arterial Overall                      28,045            168,270  $        1,177,890
Vertical Deflection less than or equal to 1"                      10,555
Vertical Deflection more than 1"                      10,801
Horizontal Gap                              80
Tree Roots                            655
Cross Slope                        2,370
Brick Reset                        1,706 * construction costs would be calculated differently
Manhole                        1,522
Missing Sidewalk                            356 should be thought of as length of missing panels in a continuous sidewalk
Collector Defect Breakdown Defect LF x 5 feet wide x $6.5 sq ft
Collector Overall                      45,552            227,760  $        1,480,440
Vertical Deflection less than or equal to 1"                      16,582
Vertical Deflection more than 1"                      18,666
Horizontal Gap                            421
Tree Roots                        2,012
Cross Slope                        1,685
Brick Reset                        4,845 * construction costs would be calculated differently
Manhole                            888
Missing Sidewalk                            460 should be thought of as length of missing panels in a continuous sidewalk
Residential Defect Breakdown Defect LF x 5 ft wide x $6 sqft
Residential Overall                   130,054            650,270  $        3,901,620
Vertical Deflection less than or equal to 1"                      43,453
Vertical Deflection more than 1"                      54,609
Horizontal Gap                        1,015
Tree Roots                        7,679
Cross Slope                        5,195
Brick Reset                      13,847 * construction costs would be calculated differently
Manhole                        1,716
Missing Sidewalk                        2,540 should be thought of as length of missing panels in a continuous sidewalk