City of Lawrence

Sustainability Advisory Board (SAB)

December 12, 2012 minutes



Boog Highberger, Sarah Hill-Nelson, Matt Lehrman, Chad Luce, Dale Nimz, Kathleen Nuckolls, Andrea Repinsky, Ian Spomer, Scott White



Megan Poindexter



Tammy Bennett, Eileen Horn, Jeanette Klamm, Kathy Richardson



Marshall Hilton, Leslie Soden


Call Meeting to Order (Chad Luce, Chair person)

Take roll call to determine quorum of members.


Approval of Meeting Minutes


Motion and second to approve the November 14, 2012 minutes (Lehrman/Nimz).

Vote: Motion was passed unanimously.


The board agreed to attach to today’s minutes the 11-19-12 SAB letter emailed to the City Commission encouraging the consideration of environmental sensitivity in the design and construction of the proposed recreation center in northwest Lawrence.


Guest Speaker


Jeanette Klamm, the City of Lawrence Utilities Programs Manager, presented information on treating and distributing the city’s drinking water as well as collecting and treating the city’s wastewater.  The city operates two water treatment facilities (Kaw River Water Treatment Plant and Clinton Reservoir Water Treatment Plant) and one wastewater treatment facility.  The city is exploring the possibility of opening another wastewater facility in southeast Lawrence.  The Water Quality Division is responsible for monitoring and testing the drinking water and the treated wastewater for quality and compliance with state and federal regulations.  Liquid sodium hypochlorite is used for both water and wastewater treatment. Carbon removes pesticides. The Water System and Wastewater Master Plans are available online at:


There was discussion on alternative and sustainable options for wastewater treatment.  Jeanette Klamm mentioned there is a trend of using wetlands for wastewater treatment but Lawrence would need at least 1,000 acres thus it is not practical for the City of Lawrence.  The city is using non-potable water for grass, cooling pipes, etc.


Inflow infiltration was also discussed.  This is water that is coming in through cracks in the pipes that is not from homes or businesses.  City crews look for cracks and place liner to fix the problem areas.


The solids removed from the wastewater during the primary and secondary treatment processes are stabilized by anaerobic digestion.  One of the end products of this process is methane.  The boilers used to maintain the digester temperature use the methane from this process as their fuel source.  The city flares the excess methane.  SAB asked about the possibility of doing something else with this excess methane (micro-turbine). Eileen Horn stated that it has been explored by the Utilities Department and it is on various versions of their Capital Improvement Plan (CIP), but the amount of electricity generated from captured methane may not be cost effective. This is still being explored by the Utilities Department.  


Staff Reports


Kathy Richardson discussed program updates included in the Waste Reduction and Recycling Division report.  The Christmas tree-cycling collection dates have been set for Monday, December 31st and Monday, January 7th.  An update on the curbside recycling RFP was provided.  The public hearing on the plan for establishment of organized recycling collection service was opened but not closed on December 11th at the City Commission meeting.  The RFP Selection Committee conducted interviews with the Proposers and is currently working on a recommendation for the City Commission.


Eileen Horn addressed all items on the Sustainability Coordinator report.  Does SAB know of any business owners interested in participating in the Green Business Leadership Program (there are 3 spots left)?  Also to note, the city is currently researching the feasibility of a few renewable energy options (solar, wind) at the former Farmland Industries site.


Eileen Horn informed SAB that Jessica Mortinger, the City of Lawrence Transportation Planner, offered to review the key points of T2040 at the February SAB meeting if there was interest.  A 30 day public comment period on the plan starts on 1-18-2013 and ends on 2-16-2013.  SAB agreed to invite Ms. Mortinger to their February meeting.


Election of 2013 SAB Officers


Motion and second to approve the 2013 SAB officers as follows: Scott White as Chair, Dale Nimz as Vice Chair, and Ian Spomer as Secretary (Hill-Nelson/Highberger).

Vote: Motion was passed unanimously.


Miscellaneous Announcements and/or Public Comments


In attendance tonight was Leslie Soden with MadreLawrence.  She mentioned her group also sent a letter of support for green initiatives for the proposed recreation center.


Also in attendance at tonight’s meeting was Marshall Hilton, a mechanical engineer, who moved here from San Francisco.  He completed undergrad and grad school at the University of Kansas and is interested in the Sustainability Advisory Board.

Sarah Hill-Nelson informed SAB that she received an email from Laura Routh regarding the Environment Chapter of Horizon 2020 and her concern that many items from this chapter have been put on hold.  Kathy Richardson suggested inviting Scott McCullough, the City of Lawrence Planning Director, to a future SAB meeting in order to get an update on the Environment Chapter.  SAB members agreed to invite Mr. McCullough to their January meeting.


Dale Nimz talked to Jeff Severin, KU’s Sustainability Director, in regards to partnering with a group to host a film event.  The film Chasing Ice (time lapse photos of glaciers) will be showing at Liberty Hall soon and they have agreed to allow educational tables to be set out on one night for people to pick up information after watching the film.  Dale Nimz asked if anyone from SAB would be interesting in manning a table but no decisions were made.  He will keep SAB informed on when this film event will take place.


Meeting adjourned at 7:28 p.m.


Next meeting: January 9th, 2013 at 5:30 p.m.



11-19-2012 SAB Letter to City Commission Regarding the Proposed Recreation Center

Waste Reduction and Recycling Division Report

Sustainability Coordinator Report