City of Lawrence

Sustainability Advisory Board (SAB)

January 9, 2013 minutes



Boog Highberger, Michael Morley, Dale Nimz, Daniel Poull, Adam Ritchie, Ian Spomer



Matt Lehrman, Kathleen Nuckolls, Scott White



Tammy Bennett, Eileen Horn, Scott McCullough, Kathy Richardson



Chris Tilden, Leslie Soden


Call Meeting to Order (Dale Nimz, Vice-Chair person)

Take roll call to determine quorum of members.


Introductions of new board members on the SAB: Michael Morley, Daniel Poull and Adam Ritchie.


Dale Nimz mentioned there is still one vacancy on the SAB and he plans to email the Mayor recommending a female candidate.  The majority of SAB members are men.


Approval of Meeting Minutes


Motion and second to approve the December 12, 2012 minutes as amended (Highberger/Spomer). The statement that was corrected is “Eileen Horn stated that it has been explored by the Utilities Department and it is on various versions of their Capital Improvement Plan (CIP), but the amount of electricity generated from captured methane may not be cost effective. This is still being explored by the Utilities Department.” 

Vote: Motion was passed unanimously.


Guest Speaker: Planning Department Update of the Environment Chapter of Horizon 2020


Scott McCullough, the City of Lawrence Planning Director, presented an update on the Environment Chapter of Horizon 2020 Comprehensive Land Use Plan.  Protecting and enhancing Douglas County’s environment, including its built environment, is the focus of the Environment Chapter.  The recommendations are intended to foster a healthy environment that contributes to a growing economy and a livable community.  This concept is in line with an overall goal of Horizon 2020 (see Chapter 1) regarding sustainability that states: “We will strive to ensure the sustainability of our physical environment, both natural and built, the health of our economy and the efficient and effective functioning of our community.”


Scott McCullough provided updates to each section under the Environment Chapter: water resources and management, land resources and management, air resources and management, resource management, waste management, and human and built environment.  He encouraged SAB to make recommendations to the City Commission on items from the Environment Chapter that the board considers priorities.


There was discussion on connecting bike lanes.  SAB members agreed they should not focus on bike lanes and connectivity because there is a Bicycle Advisory Board.  Daniel Poull mentioned SAB in the past has been supportive of the Bicycle Advisory Board recommendations and should continue to provide support.  Eileen Horn reminded SAB of the agenda item for their March meeting: Update on Transportation 2040.


Dale Nimz mentioned a Randall Arendt’s book, Envisioning Better Communities, and suggested inviting Randall to Lawrence to speak.


Daniel Poull asked how the development community feels about the Environment Chapter.  Scott McCullough responded ‘okay’ now but will need to incentivize.  If the community pushes forward with regulations, there may be some opposition (for example, protection of sensitive land).


Scott McCullough stated the City/County is working on possible regulations that can come out of the Environment Chapter.  Public meetings will be scheduled soon.  The perception is that the Horizon 2020 comprehensive plan was written 15 or 20 years ago and the year 2020 is nearing thus the document needs to be re-written.  This is not true. The chapters have been re-written throughout the years and revised multiple times.  The Environment Chapter is a new chapter.


Staff Reports


Eileen Horn addressed all items on the Sustainability Coordinator report.  Eileen mentioned she is preparing a sustainability presentation for the City Commission and wondered if the SAB chair or vice chair would be interested in presenting a couple slides.  Scott White confirmed he would be available to present with her.  A copy of the sustainability presentation slides will be emailed to SAB for review. 


SAB agreed they are still interested in their annual presentation to the City Commission providing an update on the Climate Protection Task Force recommendations.  A good time for the presentation would be once the greenhouse gas update is available.


Kathy Richardson discussed program updates included in the Waste Reduction and Recycling Division report.  Mark your calendars: the Earth Day Parade and Celebration will be held on Saturday, April 20th


Miscellaneous Announcements and/or Public Comments


Dale Nimz mentioned there is still no confirmed date from Liberty Hall on showing the film Chasing Ice (time lapse photos of glaciers) and allowing educational tables to be set out on one night for people to pick up information after watching the film.  As soon as this film event is confirmed, event details will be forwarded to SAB.  Please help spread the word.


Leslie Soden is interested in the Sustainability Advisory Board vacant position.  She will submit an online application.


Daniel Poull mentioned a hot topic for SAB discussion may be the proposed new recreation center.  


Meeting adjourned at 7:23 p.m.


Next meeting: February 13th, 2013 at 5:30 p.m.



Waste Reduction and Recycling Division Report

Sustainability Coordinator Report